Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dream Girl: Chapter 13 - Reflections

Two weeks later, Chloe still lay in a hospital bed. Her condition was unchanged, although on the last brain scan Dr. Matthews ordered the activity had increased greatly. Clark hadn't moved far from the chair beside Chloe's bed. He stayed beside her, memorizing every strand of hair, every freckle, and every curve of her face. Clark counted her breaths, her heart beats, and her pulse. He watched anxiously as she moved restlessly in her sleep, waiting for her to open her eyes after a deep intake of breath. Nurses came and went. Dr. Matthews updated him almost daily and always left him with a reason to hope. The staff was quiet, respectful and quick, always aware of the vigil husband-to-be ever by Chloe's side.

One morning, on the 17th day of Chloe's hospitalization, Clark strolled down the hall of the 4th floor Post Op Ward. "Hi Gina. Hi Donna. You doing good this morning?" Clark greeted the nurses he saw most every day.

"Fine. How are you today, Clark?" Gina, Clark's favorite nurse, responded. She was about his mother's age and always spoke to Chloe as if she were awake.

"Feeling good. I think today is gonna be a good day. Anything happen last night?" Clark asked, as usual.

"Now, you know I'd call you if something did. She had a good night. Very quiet and restful," Gina answered exactly as she did every morning when she saw the Kent boy.

Gina Vasquez had been a nurse for over 25 years. She'd seen many coma patients come and go. After the five day mark, people began to pull away. The patient became something you visited on holidays and special occasions.

When Gina met Clark, she didn't pay him much attention. He was young and good-looking. The girl probably was his high school sweetheart and they'd gotten engaged right after graduation. Love like that normally didn't last. You changed; you grew as you got older. And it didn't help when the other half was unconscious. Gina gave him three days before his visits became shorter and more infrequent.

After Chloe had been in Gina's ward for a week, Gina decided Clark wasn't like the others.

Clark Kent arrived shortly after 7:30 each morning, showered and with a clean shave. He carried with him two cups of coffee from a place called The Talon and a folded Daily Planet under one arm. He would set one of the cups on the table by Chloe's head and then drink the other one, having a one-sided conversation. Once he was done with his coffee, Clark would open the newspaper and for the next two hours would read. Aloud. Cover to cover.

Gina normally got off around the time Clark would have lunch. There were two girls, she didn't know who those were except for they were very close friends of the couple, would alternate bringing him something to eat. One, a tall girl with chestnut colored hair would usually huff in with a mess of bags smelling of burgers and other fried goodies. The two would eat right on the bed tray, laughing and talking boisterously, including Chloe in everything that passed between them. The other was a delicate looking brunette who glided through with a ruffled picnic basket and a pink thermos. Gina noticed, along with other nurses, this lunch was usually quieter than the other. If the brunette didn't get Clark out of the room as she tried to do every time, the two would eat at the table over by the window, talking in hushed tones or staring morosely at the walls. When this girl left, Clark would go back to his chair and stare at Chloe like he was looking for answers. Later, when Gina would return for the beginning of another twelve hour shift that began at midnight, she'd find Clark still there, head lolling on his shoulder. Gina would shake him gently awake. While she took Chloe's vitals, Clark would pour out the second cup of coffee he never drank and pack up to go home.

"See ya tomorrow?" He'd ask.

"Yes, bright and early. You have a nice night," Gina told him.

"You'll call me if anything changes?"

"Definitely. Go on, now. Visiting hours ended three hours ago."

And so passed the days of Clark Kent.

"You working tonight?" Clark asked, pulling Gina from her reverie.

"No. I took tonight off. My grandson's championship little league game is tonight."

"Well, good luck to your grandson," Clark told her with a smile.

"Thanks, Clark." Gina watched him walk away and down into Chloe's room. Maybe today, she hoped.

"Good morning, Chloe," Clark chirped as he entered her room. "Heard you had a good night." Clark continued the chatter for a good hour before he picked up the Daily Planet. This morning, he read absently, his mind somewhere else.

His dad died 4 months ago today. For the first time this morning, he woke and didn't expect to see his father in the kitchen, slurping coffee from his cowboy mug. He didn't expect to find his mother in the kitchen making a big breakfast for her two hungry men. What he really didn't expect was to find a large bouquet of purple irises sitting on his kitchen table. The note was from Lionel Luthor to Martha Kent, commending her for the lovely speech she gave on Farmer's Rights. Clark's stomach turned over. Feeling no remorse, Clark plucked them from their crystal vase and chucked in the garbage before he stormed out of the house.

Laying aside the newspaper, Clark took Chloe's hand in his. For purely selfish reasons today, he wanted her to wake up more than ever. He needed to talk to her. To hear her voice, feel her hand squeezing his back. To tell him he wasn't being irrational or acting like a petulant child, which is exactly what he was acting like, she would tell him.

Clark never realized how much he leaned on Chloe. Clark Kent, the man would could lift 5,000 times his own body weight and more, relied on this little wisp of a girl for his strength. With his father gone, Chloe had been the only one he could really talk to; she was the one Clark depended on to keep him grounded. Not Lana or Pete. Not his mother. Chloe, the one laying in the bed looking so small and fragile. She stood by him come what may and supported him in everything. Did she know how much he needed her? Did she know how much she meant to him?

Right on the heels of those questions came others, more difficult and more uncomfortable than the last. What were he and Chloe? What were he and Lana?

Chloe and him tried the romance route before. For one shining moment, Clark could remember being completely happy. With Chloe in his arms, gazing up at him, a sense of contentment as he had never known stole over him. And then he turned into Clark again.

Clark didn't regret saving Lana. If it were Pete or Chloe, he would do the same. He'd even run out on dates with Lana to get those two who always managed to find sticky situations.

Remembering the summer they'd been 15, Clark wanted to make it up to Chloe for the night of the Spring Formal. But she shot him down, serving him with the friendship speech. Looking back now, after the past years, Clark realized he grabbed it and ran. He wondered, sitting in Chloe's room watching her sleep, if they really had been saving their friendship or saving face? Returning to what was comfortable for each of them? He didn't know about Chloe, but Clark admitted to himself he sure didn't fight for them. Lana had been unreachable. Untouchable. Safe. Chloe was real, warm and standing right in front of him. Clark put his head in his hands.

All these questions! Would there ever be answers? And if so, what were they to be? After several moments, Clark did something he never did when sitting with Chloe. He laid his head down, taking her hand in his again and fell asleep.

To read Ch. 14, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 12 - Shock

After several hours without a word from Clark, Pete dragged Sheldon Voss, Carter Hogan's roommate and lackey, down to his car and drove to the police station. A hard-nosed beat cop took Pete seriously and threw Sheldon in a holding cell until Detective Johnson could be called in. Just as Pete began to worry about what to tell the detective, he got the call from Clark.

Pete slipped out of the station unnoticed and followed Clark's directions. "I'm here," Pete said, screeching to a stop outside the warehouse. Pete threw his phone over into the passenger seat and stepped out of his car.

"Gotta admit, the boy's got style," Pete muttered as he stepped over the mangled iron doors. Looking for the landmarks Clark gave him, Pete found the hall and made his way down. Rounding a corner Pete stopped. Unexpectedly, he saw a form sprawled on the floor. From his vantage point Pete could see blood matted in blonde hair. He gulped, reminding himself Clark had Chloe and she was alive and safe.

"Clark?" He called out. He heard Clark faintly just down the hall. When he got to the limp body, Pete turned his head away, not sure if could stomach the damage up close. Catching sight of a brown toe of a boot, Pete headed into a room off the hall. On the floor he saw Clark, Chloe held securely in his arms. Pete knelt and laid a hand on Chloe's blonde head, assuring himself she was real.

"I've called 911. They should be here soon. I want to get her to the hospital, make sure no damage was done," Clark said as Pete squatted next to them.

"What happened?" Pete asked.

"Here, take her. I need to get up," Clark began to hand Chloe off. Pete got his arms underneath Chloe only to realize her hands were twisted in Clark's shirt. It seemed in her subconscious, Chloe clung to her safety net even though the danger was lying dead in the hallway.

"Don't disturb her," Clark amended. "Just help me up."

Pete did his best to shoulder Clark up to his feet. When both were standing, Pete asked, "What happened to you?" He had never seen Clark so drained before.

"That was one nasty drug. I got a taste of it myself." Clark heard sirens. "They're almost here."

"What do you need me to do?" Pete asked, careful to hold Clark steady as the two left the room.

"Anything. The drug was laced with Kryptonite and I don't know when my abilities will return to full strength. Until then I don't need anyone looking too close," Clark answered.

"I'll do what I can, but I don't know how much it'll help," Pete replied quietly as three paramedics hustled toward them pushing a gurney. Even in Clark's weakened condition, he refused to relinquish his hold of Chloe and Pete, in hopes of distracting them, pointed towards the prone body on the floor.

"Hutchins," a tall, good-looking paramedic spoke into a wireless radio attached to his shoulder. A garbled response was heard and the paramedic began speaking again. "We've got a body. Call the ME. I'm sending the vic, a blonde Caucasian female, out to you, looks to be suffering from shock. She's escorted by two males, one Caucasian, one African American. Trew, Weston and I will stay with the body until Berger gets here." He then nodded, dismissing them. Pete pushed Clark ahead of him as they went.

Outside, Pete and Clark stiffened at the sight of two detectives, one Johnson, stepping out of their unmarked squad car.

"Head over to the ambulance," Pete ordered Clark. "I'll handle this."

Clark walked off, leaving Pete to the detectives. Johnson, Clark saw, kept eying him but tuned back to Pete when he uttered the words 'dead body'. Two other paramedics met Clark half way and swept Chloe out of his arms. Efficiently they loaded her into the back. Clark watched, wanting to follow her but unsure if he would be allowed. Then one stuck his head out and called, "You comin'?"

Clark glanced over at Pete who was still in deep conversation with Detective Johnson. A quick wave of his hand told Clark to get his butt on the ambulance. Climbing in, Clark sat back as the EMT slammed the doors shut.

"All in, Hutchins," he said as his partner started the vehicle, sirens and lights flashing.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" The paramedic asked Clark.

While the guy took Chloe's vitals and shone a tiny penlight in all of her facial openings, Clark told his story. By the time they arrived at Metropolis General, Clark felt almost normal.

With short, proficient movements, Hutchins and the other EMT, Osbourne, unloaded Chloe from the ambulance and wheeled her into the ER. Clark followed closely but was stopped abruptly by a plump nurse dressed in bright green who stepped in front of him.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you need to wait outside." And before he could react, she snapped the curtains together, obscuring Chloe from Clark's sight. A doctor bumped his shoulder as he, too, ran behind the curtains. Not to his surprise, the green clad nurse reappeared.

"Come with me, young man," she ordered, her authoritative voice leaving no room for argument. Clark followed reluctantly.

"You say everything seems normal? Draw some blood and run all the tests. Then schedule her for an EKG and a CAT-scan. I want to see what those levels…" Clark shut off his hearing. He didn't need to torment himself. Chloe was going to be fine, but his guts squirmed.

The nurse led him into a crowded waiting area and over to the Admitting Desk. After a few curt words to the clerk, she turned back to Clark.

"You wait here," she said before waddling off.

"Here." The male clerk thrust a clipboard and a pencil at him. "Sit over there and fill those out then bring them back."

Clark took a seat and rifled through the admissions forms. Name and address were easy, along with date of birth. Allergies? Anything decaffeinated. He listed himself as her emergency contact, but the next question made him pause. Relationship to patient? Did the entire world demand an answer to this question? Would they talk to him if he listed himself as a friend, he wondered? Clark stared at the blank a little longer and then filled it in, hoping there would be no awkward questions later. Completing the last of the forms, Clark returned them to the clerk.

"Everything seems in order, Mr. Kent. We just need a copy of her insurance card," the clerk said, looking at him expectantly.

"Sure. Can I get it faxed to you?" Clark asked quickly. The clerk gave him the number and Clark returned to his chair. He took out Chloe's cell and pressed his lips together. Boy, how he dreaded this call.

"She what?" Came the outraged reply. Clark held the phone away as a few of Lois's favorite phrases flew. "Clark? Clark!"

"She's fine, Lois! I just need her insurance card. Does she have insurance?" Clark asked suddenly.

"Of course she does!" Lois blustered. "It's in her purse."

"She doesn't have her purse. Do you-"

"Why doesn't she have her purse?" Lois was not taking the news well. Clark called to tell her, Chloe, her little cousin was in the ER and Lois was going on about a purse! Clark shook his head and squeezed the bridge of his nose. That headache was coming back.

"I'll explain later, Lois," Clark interrupted her hysterical musings. "Do you have a copy?"

"Yes, I do. For emergencies. But I'm at the Talon! It'll take me an hour to get there!" Lois replied shrilly.

"They said you can fax it. Here's the number." Clark rattled off the number, having Lois repeat it three times to make sure she'd copied it down correctly.

After telling the clerk the fax was on its way, Clark relaxed back into his chair. Two seconds later he was on his feet again to meet Lana and Pete.

"How is she?" Lana asked.

"I don't know," Clark told them both. "No one has told me anything yet." Lana took a hand in hers and led him back to the chair he'd been slouching in. Pete excused himself again, going in search of a coke machine and giving Lana the alone time with Clark she'd requested on the way over.

"Pete filled me in. He dropped by and picked me up. I hope that was OK," Lana explained tentatively.

"Yeah. I would have called you, but all I could think of was getting Chloe here," Clark replied unapologetically.

"Clark, I understand. I am sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have gone all weepy on you when Chloe was the first priority. But sometimes-"

"Mr. Kent?" The doctor who bumped Clark before stood before them.

"Yes?" Clark stood, Lana followed holding his arm.

"I'm Dr. Matthews," he introduced himself with an outstretched hand which Clark shook jerkily.

"I have good news and bad news," Dr. Matthews started calmly. "Ms. Sullivan is stable. All her vitals are good and normal and she's breathing on her own, which are good signs. However, she's slipped into what we call a Stress Induced Coma."

"And what is that?" Clark asked, his heart jumping into his throat. His guts had been right.

"It's where the body, after experiencing extremely high levels of adrenaline, drops back to normal. The brain will shut certain areas off to recuperate," Dr. Matthews explained. "Her body was greatly taxed by the drug she was given. From what we can tell, her body fluctuated between extreme states of high adrenaline and deep unconsciousness. After the last adrenaline high, her body took over and forced her consciousness into a restful state so her body could return to its original stasis."

"Will she wake up?" Lana asked with a catch in her voice.

"Ms. Sullivan is a very healthy young woman and after what she's been through, I can tell she doesn't give up easily. There is substantial brain activity, a fact that takes the odds way up. But there is no way to know. Comas are serious, even if one is the body's solution to heal itself," Dr. Matthews finished.

"Can I see her?" Clark asked.

"Yes. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your fiancée. Right this way, Mr. Kent." Dr. Matthews motioned for Clark to walk with him. Pete stepped up beside Lana, having caught most of the conversation.

"Fiancée?" Pete looked at Lana for confirmation. She looked back at him, her eyes registering shock.

"Chloe's Husband-To-Be obviously."

            To read Ch. 13, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 11 - Light


Clark needed sunlight. Chloe looked back to the room she'd taken refuge in. There was a window high on the wall and she could see dawn just breaking. Standing to her feet with difficulty, Chloe grasped Clark under his arms and pulled with all her might. He moved an inch. The drug now consuming her body, Chloe gritted her teeth and tried again. Clark started to slide heavily. Chloe pulled her best friend's large body into the room a slow and draining process. The sun was just beginning to rise and a tiny sliver of light hung on the opposite wall from the window. The chills began as Chloe positioned Clark's body in such a way to receive optimal sun intake if it mercifully shone on them. Clark stopped breathing completely when Chloe collapsed on his chest. Praying this would work, she gladly succumbed to the darkness swallowing her whole.

As the two New Death victims lay motionless, the sun began to rise slowly. Life giving rays crept into the room spreading fingers upon the inert couple. For several moments, two heartbeats hung in limbo, both beating sporadically. Then one began to beat a little stronger; one began to beat a little more regularly. With the progress of a snail, the sun restored Clark; the miraculous UV rays pushing and prodding and finally ridding his body of the poison.

Suddenly, Clark's eyes flew open and he gasped for breath. He looked about, raised a sluggish hand to shield his eyes from the wonderfully bright sun. For a moment, Clark had no recollection of where he was. Then it all came crashing back, bringing with it a vicious headache. Clark lay for several minutes taking stock of his body. Only a small weight on his chest felt odd. Groaning, Clark raised his head and saw Chloe asleep, her lovely face twisted in a grimace.

"Chloe," Clark croaked. To his dismay, he spied the needle sticking out of her back. Carefully, he grasped it and pulled it out, dropping it to the floor. Clark tested moving reluctantly. He groaned again. He felt as if he'd been mortal again. Deciding to stay in the sun a little longer Clark, who was splayed on his back, shifted and finally sat up. Chloe's head slid to his lap. Tenderly, he gathered her up and held her close, the sun falling directly on them. Clark cuddled her closer, Chloe's head tucked under his chin as she whimpered.

"Chloe… Chloe…" Clark called gently. Over and over…

Chloe was trapped somewhere in her mind; locked in the darkness where no one could reach her. She cried. She screamed. She banged her fists against the steel walls but no one heard. She called for her mother, her father, Clark…

No one came.

Cold and shaking, she curled up on the hard floor and shivered. No warmth. No light. Nothing. She'd lost everything. She yearned for death now; the sweet release from the pain strangling her soul. Then… From somewhere in the dark, she heard the call.

"Chloe… Chloe…" She heard faintly. She strained her ears and heard it again. Someone was calling her! She was not alone! Chloe felt peace flood her ravaged soul, covering her like a blessed blanket.

"Chloe… Chloe…" She felt safe and warm. Deliciously warm. Light began to burst from her darkened cell, the prison of her mind. Chloe was being carried away, held in impossibly strong arms as a familiar and dearly loved voice whispered in her ear.

"Chloe… Chloe… Come back to me." With effort, Chloe opened her eyes.

"Clark," she whispered happily. She felt him start and then arms, arms that had carried her to safety, tightened.

"Chloe!" Clark exclaimed softly. He shifted her until she was nestled securely in his lap, her head resting in the crook of his neck. "I thought I'd really lost you."

"I knew you'd find me. I told you so," Chloe spoke quietly as contentment settled over her. She felt sleepy, very sleepy. The effects of being safe and protected registered in her brain and Chloe felt her nerves relax.

"You did?" Clark asked.

Chloe nodded, her forehead nuzzling Clark's neck. "Yeah. Every time I almost died, you were there. You pushed me back." Chloe moved her head slowly and looked up at him with hazy eyes. Clark didn't know if it was the late morning sun or the fact that he could have lost her but Chloe looked too beautiful for words. A lump formed in Clark's throat as Chloe brought a hand up to graze his stubble covered chin.

"You always find me, Clark."

"Oh, Chloe," Clark breathed. He kissed her forehead gently. Chloe settled back against him only to rouse a few seconds later.

"I did the right thing, didn't I? Getting you into the sunlight?" Chloe asked urgently, her eyes round like a frightened child.

Clark smoothed her hair back from her face and caught a tear slipping down her cheek on his fingertip. "Yes, thank you, Chloe. It seems you saved me instead. Now, sleep. You're safe now." Clark laid his head on top of hers, sheltering her within his arms.

"I know," Chloe nestled back down, letting the rhythm of Clark's heart lull her to sleep. Clark ran one hand up and down her back in a soothing gesture until he was sure Chloe had fallen asleep. He then pulled her phone out of his pocket and dialed Pete.

"Clark?" Pete answered.

"Yeah. I've got her. I need your help though…"

            To read Ch. 12, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 10 - Overtaken

Unfortunately, the needle Chloe used in her assault had been empty. Hogan pulled the long needle out of his back, keeping one hand cupped under his nose to catch the blood that spilled out. With a growl, Hogan hauled himself up off the floor, the glass syringe shattering as he threw it at the wall. He extracted another syringe, one full of his drug, from his coat pocket. It was time for Ms. Sullivan to experience all the drug could offer, Hogan thought. Until now, the leader of New Death had only been giving her small doses, hoping in time she would come over to his side. He had to find her. Hogan couldn't let her jeopardize his life's work. He still needed live specimens and if Chloe or her article were allowed to see the light of day, he could kiss all that goodbye.

The blood still poured from Hogan's broken nose, so much he gave up trying to stem the flow. The red river ran freely down his face and dripped onto his white lab coat, painting him even more maddened than before. There was only one hall leading from the main floor of the abandoned warehouses back to where the offices were in this wing, now occupied by experimentation and observation rooms; storage and sleeping quarters. The rest was a perfect maze to others who knew not what they looked for. Gazing down the first leg of the hall before it turned, he saw nothing. He began walking cautiously, listening and looking for another surprise attack from Chloe.

While Hogan made his way quietly down the hall, a pair of metal doors over on the loading deck were torn from their hinges and thrown violently through the air. Clark strode onto the vacant warehouse floor the size of a football field. Kicking on his x-ray vision, Clark swore as he found the interior walls to be lined with lead, same as the exterior; perfect for the regulation of temperature but a major pain in his ass at the moment. Not knowing exactly where to look, Clark sharpened his hearing and picked up two intakes of breath. One steady and deep; the other labored and fast. Following the sounds, Clark sped across the concrete floor to a glass door and entered what was probably once a reception office.

Clark found three hallways intersecting right outside the lobby. Standing at the head of one of the hallways, he listened. In the quietness, he heard the turn of a knob. Clark walked along the wall toward the noise, carefully turning a sharp corner, holding himself from flying into action that might be fatal to Chloe.

Hogan, on the same hall, just around another corner, hurriedly ducked into one of his many torture rooms and peeked through the crack of the door. A few feet down, he watched Chloe emerge, dressed in navy coveralls. In his deranged dreams, he hoped to find something more with Chloe Sullivan than the captor/hostage roles he'd run through in his mind. When she had first started meeting him outside the college's hospital ward, Carter had spent the hours after just picturing her face and re-playing her voice in his head. After he found out about the article she was writing for her journalism class, he wanted her to be his final experiment but things hadn't turned out as he planned. With a wistful sigh, Carter imagined how lovely it would be to watch her take her final breaths. Silently, he left his hiding place and made his way stealthily behind Chloe.

A shoe squeaked and Chloe, feeling the malevolent presence behind her, tensed. She turned and the moment she did, Chloe saw the crazed form of the mad man spring into action and crash into her, knocking her to the ground.

Chloe let all the air out of her lungs in a blood-curdling scream, piercing Clark's sensitive hearing and causing him to flinch. He zoomed around yet another corner and saw Chloe wrestling with a man slightly larger than her. Clark's relief at finding Chloe alive was short-lived as he watched the man raise a murderous needle in the air, blood covering his hand. Chloe continued to fight like a wildcat, screaming and cursing as she struggled beneath him. Finally, Chloe knocked the syringe out of his hand. The man, Clark knew to be Carter Hogan, scurried off her and after it. With a sob, Chloe pushed herself up on her elbows and turned over, starting to crawl away. Chloe and Carter caught sight of Clark at the exact same time. In an instant, Carter lunged and grabbed the back of Chloe's head as Clark moved toward them.

"Clark! No! It's Kryptonite!" Chloe shrieked out in warning but it was too late. Clark was upon them in a flash.

"Hogan! Let her go!" Clark yelled, reaching out to grab Carter by his clothing and drag him away from Chloe. Just as he did, Carter directed the needle toward Clark's exposed wrist and stabbed. The Kryptonite allowed it to penetrate his flesh and Clark cried out in agony as Carter pumped almost all of the deathly mixture into him before yanking it away. The liquid rushed through his body, causing his mighty form to fall to the floor with a heavy thud.

"Clark!" Chloe's anguished scream barely pierced Clark's ears as he throbbed in pain. She watched him writhe on the floor, his skin turning a ghostly white.

"It's your turn, my dear," Carter's voice whispered in her ear. Chloe lay very still, watching Clark. His eyes were open and they were clinging to hers. Chloe bit her tongue to keep from sobbing as she watched the man she loved dying just a few inches from her. Tears broke and slid down her cheeks. Slowly, Chloe moved her hand and began negotiating the hammer from the front pocket of her jumper. Carter tenderly moved her hair from her neck and ran his fingers along her skin. Chloe squeezed her eyes shut to clear them of tears then opened them as Carter leaned down and kissed the curve of her neck. Chloe's eyes never left Clark's as she freed her arm and swung. The hammer connected with Carter Hogan's right temple and Chloe heard a sickening crack. Dead weight pushed Chloe to the floor as blood ran down her neck and into her clothing. The needle he'd been brandishing sank slightly forward into her back with just enough juice left.

"No, please…" Chloe whispered. She crawled out from under Carter and over to Clark, fighting the darkness trying to overtake her mind. Clark laid still, almost no breath escaping, his eyes closing slowly. Chloe crouched over him, brushing back the hair from his sweaty face.

"Clark? Clark? Tell me what to do. I don't know what to do," Chloe sobbed brokenly. A burning was beginning low in her back. Gazing down at Clark, she saw his lips move. Chloe leaned down, the burning now racing along the inside of her limbs. No sound, just movement. Chloe laid her ear to his lips as he moved them one last time.

To read Ch. 11, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 9 - Escape

After sitting next to her for some time, Carter Hogan left again. Chloe didn't know how long he sat there. She had no knowledge of the passing time; although it seemed hour upon hour on end. Chloe opened her eyes tentatively, praying she'd find an empty room. Breathing a sigh of relief, she began to study her ankles. They were the same type of restraints used in Belle Reeve but a little worse for wear. Little by little, Chloe began pushing and pulling to see how much they would give. Every several moments, a shadow would pass in front of the door. Chloe froze all movements, straining to hear any signs of him returning to administer another death shot.

Focusing once more on the restraint she'd had the most luck with, Chloe contorted and stretched her hand, pulling and pulling until the hand slid free.

"Ahhh..." Chloe gasped as she held the hand up in front of her face to examine it. It was raw with abrasions and nasty welts from the rope burns which circled her wrists. She hissed as she shook it, the feeling flowing back into it with prickling pain. After flexing it a couple of times she quickly set to the task of undoing her other wrist. Freeing that one, Chloe sat up and worked the ones on her ankles. Soon she was free and slithered from the bed.

Chloe crouched in a corner as she listened for footsteps. Adrenaline coursed through her system, readying her body for action. Remembering the needles, Chloe crawled under the bed and stood. Choosing the most dangerous looking needle, Chloe tip toed her way across to the door.

As if on cue, the doorknob turned and the door swished open. Chloe pressed her back against the wall behind the door, holding the needle next to her chest like a dagger and waited.

"No..." A rough voice moaned as Hogan stepped into the room. Chloe waited with bated breath as he came fully into her cell. And when he did, Chloe launched herself at him with a cry of rage, stabbing the middle of his back, pushing the make-shift dagger in to its hilt. With a roar of pain, Hogan fell to the floor, Chloe falling on top of him, the needle pressing in further.

Chloe rolled off of him and jumped up, making for the door only to come crashing back down. Glancing behind her, she saw her blonde captor holding one of her ankles, baring his teeth at her in a snarl.

"Get off me!" Chloe kicked out with all her might, using a move Lois taught her; successfully breaking his nose and knocking some teeth down his throat. Carter instinctively raised his hands to his nose, releasing Chloe's foot. In seconds, she was on her bare feet and running, his yells of pain becoming fainter until she heard them no more.

When Chloe couldn't run any longer she slowed to a walk, using a concrete wall for support as she trudged on. She saw no one as she fled. She gulped for air, her heart still beating wildly. Chloe tried to formulate a plan on how to get out of here, but she didn't know where here was. Was she still in Metropolis? Kansas? She highly doubted she'd been taken from the country but how could she know.

Passing many rooms, Chloe began looking inside and trying doors. She finally found one that wasn't locked and slipped inside. Opening the cabinet in a corner she gave a squeal of delight. Chloe scampered gingerly and painfully into a pair of custodian coveralls and tugged on a pair of oversized work boots, but shoes nonetheless. More needles littered the bottom of the cabinet which Chloe stuffed in her pockets like candy along with a forgotten hammer.

Feeling no less disadvantaged, but at least armed, Chloe went back out into the still deserted hallway and started her search for her escape route.

To read Ch. 10, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 8 - Interrogation

Waiting outside the door in the hall, true to his word, was Pete bending over his boots.

"Hey man," he greeted cautiously. "You smooth things over?"

"Not really, " Clark answered, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Pete nodded. "You gonna track down this Carter Hogan?"

"We are gonna track down Carter Hogan. Come on." Clark and Pete walked down the hallway. Back outside in the cold air the two headed off in the direction of the Student Embassy where Clark planned to do some more snooping.

"I really think Lana believes there is more behind this than you wanting to find Chloe," Pete said after a few moments of silence.

"You develop super-hearing lately, Pete?" Clark said grimly.

"Didn't need super-hearing to see what was coming. You gotta admit though, Clark, you and Chloe have always been in a gray area," Pete told him.

"I don't understand it," Clark shook his head, trying to get thoughts sorted. "Lana tells me I need to be more considerate of Chloe until I feel I am walking on eggshells around her. When Chloe realizes I'm treating her different, she bites my head off. Now, with Chloe missing and in danger, Lana accuses me of having feelings for Chloe and putting Chloe before her. I'm about ready to wash my hands of both of them, Pete."

"You don't mean that," Pete responded with a laugh at Clark's emotional rant. Pete rarely got to see this confused side of Clark.

"I know I don't," Clark replied with a smile before continuing on seriously. "But it's gotten way too complicated for me. I want to tell Lana the truth, but she won't be safe from anyone if I do. She won't accept anything less than the truth from me either. Since my father..." Clark's voice trailed off and for a while Pete waited in silence. "We've become distant. I think it is the beginning of the end and I can't tell if I'm relieved or not. There it is," Clark pointed to the Student Embassy, a large building with many iron benches out front under trees lining the border.

As they walked the final steps to the building, Pete slung a friendly arm across Clark's shoulders.

"Clark, right now we gotta focus on this, but I will say this much. After we find Chloe, you're gonna have a choice to make. A choice between your old life and your new one; the one with Lana or the one without. I like Lana, I do, but I think if you examine your life without her in it, you'll find what you're looking for."

"You're talking about Chloe, aren't you?" Clark raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Let's go see if we can dig up anything on Carter Hogan." Pete punched Clark in the arm and jogged to the entrance. Clark followed, knowing exactly what Pete had meant.

Once inside, Pete kept watch while Clark broke into a guidance counselor's office. Seeing filing cabinets along the wall, Clark rifled through them. He found Hogan's file in a blink, thankful that not everything was put on computer. He needed all the time he could get and even a super-speed he was nowhere near the computer whiz Chloe was. He left the room just as he found it with exception of a big gaping hole where the doorknob once was. He and Pete hightailed it across the lawn to a group of picnic tables. Sitting down at one, Pete pulled out a pocket sized flashlight and flicked it on.

"I knew there was a reason I carried this thing," Pete quipped as he and Clark perused the file by the single beam of light.

"Looks like Carter Hogan is part of one of the most brilliant Pre-Med classes Met U has ever seen," Clark read aloud. "He lives on campus, not far from Lana and Chloe."

"Let's go check it out," Pete suggested as he slipped the flashlight back in his pocket.

"Definitely," Clark agreed.

The boys stood, leaving the file where it lay on the table and retraced their steps back toward the dorm buildings. Halfway there, Clark caught a glimpse of something gleaming on the grass. It was a phone; Chloe's phone. Jogging over, Clark snatched it up.

"What'd ya find?" Pete called.

"Chloe's phone," Clark told him as he walked back. "This must be where she was taken. But why would they leave the phone?"

"Maybe they thought it wasn't important," Pete offered.

"And if they don't think anyone finding Chloe's phone important-"

"They don't think anyone is gonna be able to find her," Pete finished their combined thought. "Clark, you don't think they're going to-"

"I don't know, Pete, I don't know." With one last look at the phone, Clark shoved it into his own jacket pocket. "Let's go find him." Clark reached and grabbed Pete by his collar.

"Whoa..." Pete remarked a second later when Clark deposited him inside the lobby of the dorm building Carter Hogan supposedly lived in.

"Sorry," Clark apologized as he bounded up the stairs the third floor.

"That was totally cool! I've never been conscious when you jumped into hyper-speed," Pete whispered from behind Clark as he followed him up the stairs. "This is 3A. His room should be mid-way down."

Clark and Pete walked quietly down the hall until they stood in front of 3G. Bass thumped heavily from inside and underneath it, Clark heard a voice.

"She hasn't come around yet? So soon?" Clark pressed his ear against the door. Pete followed suit, though he couldn't hear anything.

"No, no. I'll find another one. Yes, yes! I understand. No, there will be no questions. I'll make sure that all the blanks about the Sullivan girl are filled in."

"He's talking about Chloe," Clark told Pete whose face quickly filled with fury. "Wait, he's talking again." Clark pressed his ear to the door again.

"... can you? Tomorrow morning, I'll come and pick up her body then. Yeah, sure thing." A beep sounded, telling Clark the guy disconnected the call.

Clark stood back from the door, motioning Pete to fall behind. Once Pete moved, with a cry of rage Clark kicked the door open, watching it bust in on itself in many pieces.

A boy, Clark quickly noted looking nothing like Carter Hogan, scurried under a desk in fright.

"Who are you?" He screamed at a high pitch.

Clark took three long strides into the room. Reaching under the desk Clark grasped the guy's shirt and yanked him up like a rag-doll, holding him up nose to nose, legs dangling.

"Where's Cater? Where did he take Chloe?" Clark demanded.

"I-I h-have no i-idea," he stuttered.

"Carter your roommate?" The guy nodded with a pathetic whimper.

"I'll give you another chance. I know about your new death experiments. So if you don't want to experience old death you better get an idea fast about where Carter took Chloe Sullivan!" Clark tightened his grip with every word he spoke, slowly choking the guy.

"I don't know what you're talking about," the guy tried.

"Don't lie to me!" Clark yelled, fighting a smile as the guy flinched.

"OK, OK," the guy said, hoping to placate the big man ready to murder him. "The leader of New Death took her to the secret lab. I don't know where that is." All the madness that left Clark at the prospect of answers spilled back into him. He shook the guy until his teeth rattled.

"I heard you talking about a body! Where is she?" Clark trembled with the urge to slam him repeatedly against the wall.

"It's an abandoned warehouse we own! That's where Carter took her!" The guy screamed in panic as tears leaked out over his cheeks. "Over on the west side on Industrial Park! Red brick with busted out windows! Please don't kill me! Please!"

Clark threw him to the floor with barely leashed control. He turned to Pete standing like a bouncer against the closed door.

"Make sure he goes nowhere. Don't want him warning anyone either," Clark ordered.

           "Go man, I got this," Pete replied with a deadly gleam to his eye as he took his place in front of the sniveling boy on the floor. With one look back, Clark was gone in a heartbeat.

     To read Ch. 9, click here.

Dream Girl: Chapter 7 - Assurance

"Ms. Sullivan? Ms. Sullivan? Will wake up for us, please?"

A suave voice floated into her ear as someone shook her shoulder. How embarrassing! She'd fallen asleep during class! And what a dream, Chloe thought. Opening her eyes, she stared into icy blue pools and Chloe knew it hadn't been a dream. She was still strapped inside the hospital prison. Chloe guessed the man leering down at her must be her warden. He was young, much younger than she initially guessed. Long blonde hair was pulled back from a startling handsome face in a loose pony tail. His mouth curled into a sinister smile, banishing whatever good looks he possessed, making Chloe's blood run cold.

"Ah, there we are. I had a suspicion you were awake and playing, what do they call it? Possum?" He giggled. "Now, since you seem to be alert would you like to share your experience? Did I make a believer of you?"

Chloe could tell he really thought he was making a difference in peoples' lives; a difference in the medical world. If only his drug didn't come with fatal consequences or dealt with death. Okay, Chloe thought, so there's no way to spin this drug as a positive. She took a deep breath.

"Listen, I know you mean well, but this is not something I'd want to go through on a weekly basis. I don't think you're helping anybody. And there are no upsides to using this drug long term." Chloe watched his face harden with every word.

"You still don't understand," he said quietly.

"You're right. I don't understand and probably never will. But neither do you. With every shot, you're killing someone. The last time I checked, that wasn't what medicine was about," Chloe countered gently.

"What do you know? You're just a journalism student. What do you know about life and death and the possibilities each hold?" He asked as he reached behind him and lifted a syringe from the surgical tray. Chloe began to struggle again but couldn't move away. She looked down at her wrists and ankles encased in leather restraints that weren't there when she woke up the first time. A tear coursed down her cheek as she laid her head back down on the pillow, staring at the ceiling above her. "It's also about testing the limits of the human body," he finished as he waved his green cocktail at her.

"Why are you doing this?" Chloe asked, her voice quivering around a sob.

"I have to make you understand," he repeated doggedly, pulling up the hem of her hospital gown.

Chloe flinched as the needle sank into her thigh, biting back her scream as the burning ensued followed by racking chills…

Chloe woke in dirt. Sitting up, she was in some kind of field with tall golden grass rippled by the wind. Chloe got to her feet, dusted herself off and gazed around. Off in the distance stood a butter yellow house and closer to her, Jonathon Kent rode his tractor. How did she end up here?

"My son is coming, Chloe! He's coming soon!" Jonathon yelled over the hum of his tractor.

"I know!" Chloe yelled back. She wandered around for a little while, hoping to glimpse Clark doing his chores. As she rounded the corner of the barn, she collided with Mr. Kent.

"Chloe!" His smile, so welcoming and familiar, made Chloe's eyes water. She reached out and touched him, his chest warm and solid as it had been in life. Taking her hand in his own, Jonathon led Chloe around the farm. "You look wonderful. I want you to know I appreciate all you've done for Clark. He needs friends like you and Pete. He needs you, Chloe. No matter how far he runs or how hard he denies it, he knows he needs you. You take care of him."

"Thank you, Mr. Kent. It means so much you feel that way," Chloe responded.

"What are you doing here, Chloe?" Jonathon asked, pulling her to a stop beside him.

The sun was beginning to set over the fields and Chloe could think of no other place she'd rather be than here on the Kent Family Farm. "I don't know. I can't remember."

"You need to go back. Clark's trying to find you and he won't find you here," Jonathon pointed out.

"But I don't want to leave," Chloe said wistfully, looking around at the far reaching Kansas prairie. "It's too beautiful here. Mr. Kent, why is Clark trying to find me?"

Jonathon Kent smiled as he answered, "Isn't Clark always trying to find you?" Chloe watched as the wind blew up around them, dissolving him like sugar in iced tea.


Chloe turned her head and wasn't surprised to see Clark bounding across the tall grass of the open field toward her. Like a drowning man, Clark reached out and pulled Chloe roughly to him, wrapping her tight within his arms as if she were a life preserver.

"I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" Clark whispered lovingly into her hair.

"I've always been here," Chloe answered, squeezing him back.

"Then why am I still looking for you?" Clark questioned with confusion.

"You'll find me. I know you will," She assured him gently, stepping out of his grasp. Chloe walked a few paces ahead and turned to face him. Clark still stood where she left him, a look of alarm on his face.

"You always find me, Clark," and with that, Chloe fell backwards into an abyss before Clark could catch her.

As before, she fell faster and faster only it was so easy to step out this time. Instead of breaking she landed softly on her bed with a soft gasp. But it wasn't soft enough.

"Did you enjoy your ride this time, little one?" The deranged man asked from her beside, seated in a plastic chair. He reached out and wiped a tear away almost sweetly.

"Please…" Chloe begged quietly. "Please leave me alone."

"You seem tired." The man stood, towering above her once more. "Sleep. I assure you, I won't do anything while you rest." He leaned over and pressed a kiss against Chloe's sweat drenched forehead, causing Chloe to sob deep in her throat.

"I'll be back shortly," he told her as he left the room.

            Slowly Chloe closed her eyes and fought the sobs tearing at her throat for release. She prayed she wouldn't actually fall asleep. Who knew what dreams awaited her in the darkness of slumber?

     To read Ch. 8, click here.