Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Viral Memoirs of Chlark

Welcome, y'all!!

I see that y'all have found my Chlark blog. I hope you look around and enjoy what you find.  It's mostly just the Clark and Chloe pairing but under a coming soon tag you will find some other fandoms such as Clois, Chlollie and even Delena from The Vampire Diaries.

I would just like to say, "Thanks for reading, comments are always appreciated and forever cherished!!"

Have fun!!  

Karaoke At The Wild Coyote

banner by kneel4justice

Title/Link: Karaoke At The Wild Coyote
Author: Hughie87
Pairing: Chlark
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season six, 'Crimson'
Summary: Clark, Chloe and Karaoke. Need I say more?
  1. All characters belong to DC Comics and the CW network.
  2. 'Songs Like This' sung by Carrie Underwood and 'Take A Chance On Me' sung by ABBA
  3. No baby, no matter how it gets here, is never shameful
  4. While I use drinking in this story as a comedic device, I do not condone either underage drinking or getting drunk. If you are under twenty-one years of age, drinking any alcoholic beverage is illegal (in the U.S.). I know I'm no one's mother, but I'm saying it anyways. Getting drunk (smashed, wasted, lit, whatever word you use) is not only irresponsible, but dangerous to those around you and to your own health. Alcohol kills brain cells, so you must always drink responsibly. If you do get drunk, please have a designated driver or the number of a cab service. Okay, Mother Hen has spoken.

Karaoke At The Wild Coyote

Clark Kent had a lot of regrets. Things he'd done or things he hadn't done. Things he'd said or hadn't said. People he'd hurt or hadn't hurt enough. However, out of all of those regrets (and he did have a lot) there were two he regretted almost every day.

The first had happened when he'd been nine years old. He'd told his dad he hated him. Clark knew without a shadow of a doubt Jonathon Ken had gone to his grave assured of his son's deep and abiding love for him along with Clark's unending respect. Still, the thought that he'd ever spoken those words, even at such a young age, bothered Clark. The expression his dad's face had been the worst. This was his deepest regret.

The second regret was more recent. He'd never forget the day he stood in the loft, a sunset lighting him from behind, and told Lana he didn't love her. As time went on, he knew no matter what he told himself it had been true. He hadn't loved Lana; at least not with the love that would have stood the test of time. They had already begun to fracture after their first month of idyllic bliss, the month he'd been without powers and the only time he'd been able to be completely truthful with her. He didn't regret letting Lana go. It was the best thing for her. What he regretted was the result of his actions. He'd broke whatever remaining piece of Lana's heart she allowed to be seen. Because of him, she'd run to Lex. Now she was pregnant and about to marry a monster, all at nineteen years old. And it was ll his fault. He regretted this every time he glimpsed Lana's face from behind the tinted windows of one of Lex's black limousines.

Now, as Clark sat out on porch of the yellow farm house, absently swinging on the sturdy white porch swing, the night aging around the farm, he added yet another regret he would remember always.

Her eyes. Her mouth. Every line of her face trying to the pain as she stared ahead, refusing to face him and meet his gaze. And the words. Those sharp, hurtful crude words he'd whispered into the shell of her ear. Words, that had he been in his right mind, would have never crossed his consciousness, let alone his lips.

Lois got off lucky. She hardly remembered any of their red meteor induced romance. All she had was an air-brushed tattoo that would wash away in three or four days. Clark could take hundreds of showers in three or fours days and none of his memories would wash off and drain away.

He remembered his 'R' rated make-out session with Lois that still made him blush and cringe. He remembered what horrible things he'd accused his mother of. The feeling of power that rushed through his veins as he pushed Lex; the satisfaction of revealing the shameful reason for Lex and Lana's hasty marriage; the sense of entitlement and indignation as he spirited Lana away. Most of all, he remembered the delight: the pure unadulterated pleasure of seeing Chloe flinch with pain as he confessed his thoughts about her. He had reveled in the knowledge that he'd slashed her to the core just as deeply as she'd slashed him with her rejection when he came back to her from the Phantom Zone.

He'd wanted to hurt her. He wanted to cause her pain, make her see what she was missing by taking up with Jimmy and not him. Rub it in her face, that after all these years, he'd wanted her for a time and she was the one who missed her chance. However, that was absurd. Chloe was his best friend and his ally and he cared for her deeply. In the year since he'd found out that Chloe knew his secret, they had become so close that sometimes he found it hard to know where he ended and she began. The fact that she had found happiness with someone else ceased to bother him. All he wanted was for Chloe to be happy. No, Clark would never want to hurt Chloe. The fact that his Freudian Ego and inner Kryptonian would want to had him stumped.

Inside the house, Clark heard the phone ring. He ignored it. His mom had called earlier to tell him she'd made it safely back to Topeka so he didn't feel like moving from his melancholy seat upon the swing to see who it was. The answering machine rolled on and Clark growled as he heard the caller.

“Smallville, answer the damn phone. Clark, I'm serious. I can't get ahold of Chloe on her cell and-”

“Lois?” Clark said when he snatched up the phone. The moment she called him 'Clark' he knew something was wrong.

“Thank God. Clark, is Chloe with you?”

“No, why? What's wrong?” Clark asked urgently.

“I don't know. Call it Cousin's Intuition. She hasn't made it home from the Planet yet and it's Desserts & Depp night and she never misses Desserts & Depp night,” Lois explained hurriedly.

“When was the last time you saw her?”

“Before I left the Planet. She was waiting for Jimmy and then she was going to meet me back here. That was a little past 6:30 and now it's almost eleven! I've called Jimmy but all I get is his voicemail. I've talked to a few people at the Planet and the latest someone saw her in the Bullpen was seven.”

“I'm sure she's okay, Lois. Have you called her cell?”

“Of course I've called her cell, Clark!” Lois exclaimed. “After the two hundredth mark I reached harassment status!”

“Okay, okay. Look, you stay at the Talon in case she shows up and I'll get in the truck and-”

“Has she called you?”

“I don't know. My cell has been off all day,” Clark told her.

“Could you check?”

“Yeah, hold on.” Clark laid the phone down, tempted to just hang it up and find Chloe without any added obstacles. He zipped up to his room and grabbed his phone. He waited as it powered up. In seconds he saw he'd had three missed calls: one from Lois and two from Chloe. Pressing a button, he started his newest voicemail. There was some muffled noise that sounded like country music and some rough, indistinguishable voices. Then Chloe's voice played in the recording.

Crap! Instead of drunk dialing, I butt-dialed! Not surprising, would you look at this thing! Maybe I should channel my inner J-Lo!”

The call ended on some more muttering and raw male laughter. Clark's eyes widened. Just where the hell was Chloe? And what was she doing? He played the message again and listened closely. In the background, he heard unmistakable bar noises. Then he heard a woman start singing off-key and someone yell out, “You suck!” followed by some boos. Clark furrowed his brows. A page went out over the crowd, some sort of cue and right before the call ended, very faintly, Clark heard Chloe say, “That's me! Hold this. . .”

Clark snapped the phone shut and slid it into his pocket. It was clear Chloe was at a bar, but where was this bar? He bounded back down the stairs and picked up the cordless phone.


“What did you have to do, Clark? Read the manual?”

Clark rolled his eyes. “I got a call from Chloe. I think she's at a bar.”

“A bar? Why would she be at a bar? She's under-age!”

“She's probably not drinking, Lois. I think I heard Karaoke in the background. Do you know of any bars that have Karaoke that will let in people under 21?”

Lois was silent for a minute. “There's a few places in Metropolis, but Karaoke is usually done on Mondays or Thursdays. Fridays are prime pick-up nights.”

“The Wild Coyote does Karaoke on Friday nights. That has to be where she is,” Clark said.

“And how do you know this, Mr. Law-Abiding-Citizen? When have you ever set foot in a bar?” Lois asked with a snort. “Gentlemens' Clubs, sure, but bars. . .”

“The Wild Coyote is not far from here. I'll go check on her,” Clark said, ignoring Lois' pointed remark about an incident involving her, him, Chloe and a Senator who liked to visit an elite strip joint.

“I'll meet you there,” Lois replied.

“Lois, I'll be there and home by the time you even get out of the city limits. I'll call you with what I find.”

“Fine,” Lois growled. “I don't know why she'd be at a bar, though.”

“I guess we're going to find out.”
~ ~ ~

Clark hadn't bothered with the truck. If Chloe was here, Clark could catch a ride with her. Or judging by her voice, drive her home. Clark scanned the parking lot and caught sight of Chloe's silver Toyota haphazardly parked a few feet from the door. A cold chill ran through his body. What had his best friend gotten herself into this time?
Clark jogged to the door and pulled it open. A wave of noise rolled out and Clark steeled his senses. As he stepped inside, a song was just ending and a round of applause broke out through the crowd. The guy in tight jeans and a tacky cowboy hat shot a crooked grin and jumped down. Clark began searching the building but there were so many bodies pressed together and moving as one. He couldn't see Chloe anywhere.

He pushed his way to the edge of the dance floor, a tiny square completely filled with couples groping and hanging onto one another. As he sought out any blonde in the crowd, Clark avoided any eye contact. He could feel stares coming from all direction. Clark blushed a bright red when a slightly older woman sidled up to him and ran a long-nailed finger down his bare, muscled arm.

“Hey there, big fella. You lookin' for a partner?”

Clark sincerely hoped she meant a dancing partner. With his most respectful smile, Clark looked down at the woman. “Thanks, but I'm meeting my friend.”
Guy friend?” The woman asked hopefully.

Clark shook his head. “No, a girl friend.”
The woman rolled her eyes and went off seeking better meat. Clark, still not seeing Chloe, pushed his way to the back. He was headed outside to call Chloe's cell and then listen for it to pinpoint the girl in the writhing, smoke-filled room when behind him, he heard a man start speaking into a microphone to be heard.

“All right cowboys and cowgirls, our next brave little buckle is back by popular demand for her third appearance tonight! Please welcome back to the stage, our most sultry swallow since Patsy Cline, with 'Songs Like This' by Carrie Underwood. . . The young, the talented, the sizzling saucy blonde, Chloe Sullivan!”

Clark stopped dead in his tracks and spun around. His mouth dropped open. Clark blinked and then shook his head. Chloe, usually a very modest girl, was up on the little stage surrounded by a sea of earth-toned cowboy hats that hadn't been there before. He wanted to rush the stage and yank her off, forcing her to stand behind him as they ran, not walk, out of this seedy hole in the wall. The thing was, his feet wouldn't move. All he could do was stand there and stare. Whoops and hollers went up from the almost all male crowd that had gathered in front of Chloe below the stage.

At a shout of, “Shake 'em baby!” Clark felt himself finally surge forward. Not as gently as before, Clark moved men and women out of his way as he shoved toward the front, his face in a mask of horror and anger. Chloe let out a howl and threw her head back, spreading her arms and jiggling her chest. Clark clenched his fists. Suddenly, he stopped. Her had head snapped up and she meant his eyes. A slow, cat-like smile spread across her face and she lifted the microphone to her lips.

“This next song is dedicated to my best friend, Clark Kent, who is standing right there!” Chloe exclaimed, pointing out into the crowd. People began to turn and a spotlight from somewhere above focused on him. Clark raised a hand in a single wave and smiled tightly. Chloe continued. “Clark, here, has the super ability to screw me over and break my heart even though we've never even dated!” The atmosphere changed and Clark cleared his throat. Chloe was clearly drunk and some of the other patrons, who weren't that far gone yet, shifted their eyes toward him. Clark stood, stranded, in the middle of the dance floor where most of the men had gathered. “So, Clark, this is for you. Listen close, because I mean every word,” Chloe ended on a snarl. “Hit it, Carl!”

Music started and Chloe began clapping to the beat, the crowd following her lead. Still dressed in her red heels and black skirt from work, she'd shed her blouse, revealing the blood red silky camisole that she had worn beneath that day and her tiny waist was cinched with a wide, brilliant blue metallic-looking belt. Her hair was even more curly than she usually wore it from the heat in the confined space, the temperature also giving every inch of her exposed skin a sexy sheen. Her eyes were bright from the liquor and her cheeks a rosy shade. She looked like an office seductress instead of the professional woman she was. Clark wanted to look away but couldn't, his eyes, like every other man in the room glued to her body.

But when she started singing, Clark eyes widened. Chloe, her eyes trained right on him, growled melodiously into the mic:

Wanna find some boy, rip his heart right out. First man I see, gonna take him down. It ain't the Christian thang, to do they say, but someone somewheres gotta paaaaaaa-aaay!”

The crowd erupted into cheers.

And if wasn't for guys like you, there wouldn't be songs like this! And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong I wouldn't go off like this! Yeah, even I'm surprised how easy sweet revenge rolls off my lipsss. If it wasn't for guys like you there wouldn't be songs like thisssss.”

Chloe danced along the stage, waving her hands emphatically, under-cutting the words. She crossed the stage to stairs, swaying and strutting to the wildly appreciative males in front of her as she took them step by step. Clark moved forward slightly to keep a better view on her as she disappeared in the crowd on the dance floor. She started to sing again, running her free hand along many of the guys shoulders and chests.

Broke my TV, pawned my guitar, after maxing out, my credit cards. You lied much too much, and you lied again! Caught you on the couch with my best frieeeeeennnnnnnd!”

Chloe had made it to the edge of the dance floor, mere steps from Clark. She spun to face him and began circling him like a jungle cat, graceful and every thing about her seeming to roll as she walked.

And if wasn't for guys like you, there wouldn't be songs like this! And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong I wouldn't go off like this! Yeah, even I'm surprised how easy sweet revenge rolls off my lipsss. No, if it wasn't for guys like you there wouldn't be-”

Chloe put one foot in front of the other, arriving to stand right in front of Clark, poking him in the chest with her index finger with every word.

Songs like this one that tell the whole world just what a jerk you weeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Chloe pushed him and Clark actually stumbled back a little, so stunned at the way Chloe was behaving. She danced around to the music for a bit, Clark now getting angrier by the second. She was under-age, she was drunk, she looked like sex-on-a-stage and she was bashing him in song. And the way the men were looking at her was making him even more angry that he'd swear steam was coming from his ears. Clark clenched his fists again and breathed through his nose as Chloe turned back to him.

And if wasn't for guys like you, there wouldn't be songs like this! And if you hadn't gone and done me wrong I wouldn't go off like this! Yeah, even I'm surprised how easy sweet revenge rolls off my lipsss. Well, if it wasn't for guys like you there wouldn't be songs like thisssss. No, if it wasn't for guys like you there wouldn't songs like thissss.”

Chloe dropped the microphone at his feet, one hand on her hip as she eyed Clark with a lifted brow, a challenging gleam in her eye.

Clark muttered under his breath, “And that's enough of that.” Clark bent at the knees, put a shoulder into Chloe's waist and surged to his feet, Chloe squealing as her feet left the ground. With Chloe thrown overClark's shoulder, medieval style, kicking her legs and beating his back, Clark turned and walked easily through the parted crowd.

“Clark Kent put me down now!” Chloe screamed as some music began to play again. He passed many patrons, each averting their eyes while they hid smirks or giggles behind hands and drinks. Clark could feel Chloe's head bobbing against his back.

“I'm gonna be sick!” She told him.

“Maybe you should have thought of that,” Clark growled.

“I didn't think you were going to show up and pull a Rock Hudson! Put me down now!!” Chloe accompanied this sheirk with a furious kicking of legs. Clark dodged a heel. When he was almost passed the actual bar, a young guy stepped in Clark's path. He crossed his arms and glared at Clark. Clark glimpsed Chloe's phone and purse on the scuffed wood to the guy's right.

“Where do you think you're going?” He asked in a threatening voice.

Clark's hackles rose when he realized that this was the guy that had probably been plying Chloe with all the drinks, probably counting on an easy conquest.

“As you can see,” Clark started calmly, Chloe still fighting in his grip, screaming for him to put her down. “She's had quite enough for tonight.”

“Who are you, her father?” The guy snorted.

“Excuse me,” Clark said, trying to side-step the guy. A hand came out and pressed into Clark's chest.

“The lady wants to be put down. I say, you put her down,” the guy growled.

Clark grabbed the guy's wrist, exerting a little pressure. He watched the guy's eyes widen and he tried to discreetly yank his wrist away.

“Are you the guy whose been buying her drinks?” Clark demanded angrily.

“What if I am?” The guy spit back, clinging to his bravado.

“Because she's under-age. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm taking her home.” Clark let the guy go, pushing him away and roughly into the bar. The guy came back up his fists raised in boxing fashion. The bartender grabbed the guy's shoulders.

“Let 'em go, Zach. It ain't worth it.” He looked at Clark. “I don't want no trouble. I didn't know she was under twenty-one.”

“Now you do,” Clark snarled as he reached out and grabbed her phone and purse. Chloe had settled down and Clark wondered if she'd passed out. As he walked, he glanced down and saw Chloe's limp arms swinging. Yep, Clark thought with a groan, she's out.
~ ~ ~

Very gently, Clark seated an unconscious Chloe in the front seat of her car. Sliding into the driver's side, Clark fished the keys out of her purse and started the soft engine. Pulling out of the parking lot, he started home to the farm house. He could drive her on into Smallville and drop her off with Lois who was probably far more efficient than him at curing hangovers, but Clark was afraid Chloe would need to hurl between here and there and that freaked him out a little. Having never been sick like that before, the idea of someone else throwing up terrified him. The farm was closest so the farm was where he was headed.

On his way, he called Lois from Chloe's phone. The conversation was not pleasant. Lois harangued him why Chloe was at the bar, why she hadn't called Lois, why her little cousin was even drunk! Clark answered all her questions with an 'I don't know, Lois'. And he didn't. He really didn't. Lois agreed to Chloe staying the night at the farm, the Talon and the morning noise not something that would be pleasing to Chloe when she awoke.

“I'll have her call you in the morning Lois, to prove she made it through the night,” Clark assured her.

“Are you sure you're up for this?” Lois asked before they hung up. “It could get pretty nasty between now and 8 A.M.”

Clark looked over at Chloe, still zonked in her seat. Something had happened that pushed Chloe over the edge and Clark had the nagging suspicion it was him. Especially with the song and dance back there. Chloe was the only one he had yet to work up the nerve to apologize to for his behavior at the engagement party. He not only wanted to take care of her, but needed to. Sort of an atonement for last night.

“I'm good, Lois. I'll talk to you later.” Clark clicked off as he pulled into the drive.

Parking, Clark came around and maneuvered Chloe out of the little car and into his arms. Cradling her, he walked up the stairs and into his house. He went straight upstairs and laid Chloe on his bed. Sitting on the foot of the bed, Clark took a foot in his hand and slid off a red pump. Reaching for the other one, he felt Chloe stir. Worried what she might think if she was coming to, Clark took off the second shoe and stood, coming to tower over her head. Her eyes fluttered opened and stared up at him with questioning eyes.

“Clark?” She muttered uneasily.

Clark held up a shoe as if it explained everything.

Her brows creased more. “What am I doing here?”

Clark sat down, the bed dipping under their combined weight. “You were at the Wild Coyote and I went and got you,” he told her.

“I was having fun,” Chloe said, glaring at him.

“You've never liked that kind of fun before. What happened tonight?” Clark questioned, not sure if he'd get any kind of coherent answer, but asking all the same.

Chloe looked over his shoulder. “Jimmy broke up with me,” she said flatly.

Clark's mouth dropped open. “Why?”

Chloe's eyes snapped back to him, fury boiling in them despite her trouble focusing on him. “Because even though I chose him, he knows I would rather be with you,” she hissed.

Clark sat back, gauging Chloe's face, wondering how much of this was her and how much was the liquor.

Tears gathered in her eyes, making the hazel-green sparkle with pain. She looked off over his shoulder again. “You want to hear something sad?” Her voice was so quiet Clark had to strain to hear it. “Lana is pregnant with Lex's baby and about to marry him and you still only see her.” She blinked and Clark watched two tears roll down her flushed face. She rolled over, putting her back to him. “The worst part? Sometimes I catch myself wanting to be Lana, just to see you look at me just once like you look at her.”

“Chloe,” Clark breathed, reaching out and placing a hand on her shoulder.

Chloe tensed under his touch. Then she reached up limply and pushed his hand away. “Leave me alone, Clark. Haven't you already hurt me enough?”
~ ~ ~

Clark stayed seated on the bed behind Chloe until he was sure she'd gone to sleep. Once her breathing evened out, he picked her up in one armand pulled back the sheets on his bed with the other. Nestling her back in, Clark pulled the blue sheets over Chloe's bare shoulder. He could see drool already pooling on his pillowcase and smiled. She looked like a little doll.

Because even though I chose him, he knows I would rather be with you.” Clark replayed the statement over and over in his head. Kicking off his boots quietly, Clark settled into the rocker in the corner of his room, his eyes trained on the bed and woman in it. “Sometimes I catch myself wanting to be Lana, just to see you look at me just once like you look at her.”

Did she mean it? Did Chloe want to be with him? Then why had she pushed him away? Clark remembered that day. He allowed himself to relive Dark Thursday; the panic, the insecurity, the utter loss he felt as he watched his adopted home planet shrink smaller and smaller as he traveled to the Phantom Zone. He let himself feel all those feelings wash over him. He remembered the moment Chloe had come to him, surging up on her tip toes to kiss him good-bye. Clark had felt her love for him all the way down to the soles of his boots. As he watched Earth diminish before his eyes, he thought of his mom and his friends and Chloe. He thought of the moment the two of them had finally let go, broke through the boundaries they'd imposed on their friendship and shown each other what was beneath. And then he'd returned, but not to the hero's welcome he expected. Clark could tell himself that it didn't bother him, but the fact of Jimmy Olsen bothered him greatly.

After his mother brought him back to himself in their barn the night of Lex and Lana's engagement party, the next day Clark had walked the entire length of the Kent farm, mulling things over in his mind. He did bottle things up. There was only so much he felt he could confide in his mom since she'd began splitting her time between Smallville and Topeka. Chloe got all that and whatever else was left over. And although Chloe was his closest friend (more than a friend, really) he still could not tell her everything and anything as she so often told him he could.

How could he tell Chloe that even though Lois bugged the absolute hell out of him, he still found her unnervingly attractive? That his red-blooded male side wanted her purely for the way she filled out a blouse and skirt? He could never admit that to Chloe. More than that, how could he tell Chloe that Lois' attentions were welcomed only because he was still smarting from her snub?

How could he explain to Chloe his need for his mom to remain single and alone? That deep down he wanted her to continue to mourn Jonathon's death with him forever so he wouldn't feel so trapped by his grief? Or that what needled him the most about Lex and Lana's impending nuptials was not his all-burning love for his high school crush but the unspeakable point that Lex gave Lana something Clark could not?

Or, finally, how much he wanted Chloe herself? How she'd began to take over his mind and thoughts and dreams for months? He'd clung to Lanain his need to throw up a barrier against the inevitable intimacy that was forming between himand Chloe despite Jimmy. A connection to another person Clark had always craved but was terrified of bound him to Chloe like glue. When she kissed him, he'd realized all his power and strength and confidence rested in the form of this tiny girl, no higher than his shoulder. Clark could no longer exist without Chloe than a heart could exist without a brain. She was everything to him.

How could Clark tell Chloe all that when she'd passed him over for someone else? Easy. She hadn't. Clark leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knee caps. Chloe had been just as scared as he had been of what was between them. Only, she was more scared of how Clark would hurt her than him admitting she was what gave him a reason to continue. He'd hurt her in the past, how would this time be any different?

It will be different,” Clark whispered forcefully to himself. It would be different because he knew who and what she was to him. Clark could see what he hadn't before. She was his will, his soul, his purpose. She gave him all those things plus a reason to be better. He wanted to be worthy of her love, be the man she believed he could be. And he could be that man because it all started with her.

Clark sat back and closed his eyes, a contented smile on his face. Morning would come and the sun would shine brightly on a new chapter in their lives, one they would write together.
~ ~ ~


An agonized groan sounded and Chloe grabbed her head. That damn pounding! Chloe squeezed open a bleary eye. She blinked a couple times to focus. She found the source of the blasted pounding. Chloe glared. Shelby sat with his mouth open, panting with his doggie smile, his tail thumping loudly against the hardwood of the bedroom floor.

This wasn't her bedroom.

Chloe moaned as she rolled over gently, holding her temples and begging from the ache to stop. She looked around. This was definitely not her bedroom. This was not her apartment. A sense of panic took over until she spotted Clark, his big body slouched in a rocking chair, fast asleep. Chloe smiled softly at the sight of him.

What was Clark doing asleep in a rocking chair?

Steeling her head and her stomach, Chloe slowly, painfully sat up. She closed her eyes and pressed the heel of her hands to her closed lids, waiting for the world to stop spinning. Oh man, Chloe groaned inwardly,what did I do? She lowered herhands and opened her eyes, one at a time. The sight blurred and Chloe blinked again, bringing the room into focus again.

She took stock of her surroundings. She was in Clark's room, in Clark's bed and Clark was in the rocker. Chloe wiggled her shapely brows in thought. She looked down. She was relieved to see she was still dressed. She wondered momentarily where her dove gray silk blouse had gone, but was thankful she somehow retained her camisole, her belt and skirt. The shoes where heaped haphazardly by the night table and Chloe couldn't be sure, but she was certain she'd worn some flesh colored fishnets to the office the other day that were gone, too.

What day was it? She remembered going to the office. She remembered working on her expose of a Smallville Organics company who used FDA unapproved meteor rock in comestic products. She certainly remembered her break up Jimmy. She also remembered driving home in tears, not for the pain the break-up caused, but the pain it hadn't caused. And her shame. How humiliated Jimmy must have felt this whole time knowing that she was with him just because she couldn't get Clark. Chloe turned her head over to look at her best friend, the man she loved. It was his face that had Chloe passing the Talon, passing his house. She spotted the Wild Coyote and yanked her wheel, throwing gravel as she sped in and parked. After that, a complete blank. Why had she even gone? She was underage. Chloe whimpered and laid her face in her hands. What had she done? Close to tears once more, Chloe cleared her throat and fought them back. She didn't think she wanted to know.

With a pounding head, Chloe threw back the covers and swung her legs off the bed. She swayed. Maybe moving wasn't such a good idea. Chloe clutched the edge of the mattress and fought the urge to be sick. Not here, not in front of Clark, not on Clark. The dizziness and nausea passed. She released the breath she'd been holding. Shelby padded over and laid his head on Chloe's knee.

“Hey, Shelby.” Chloe patted the dog's head and then tried to shoo him away. He wouldn't budge. “Come on, Shelb.” Chloe whined petulantly. She wanted a shower and a toothbrush before she faced Clark. As if assigning himself her warden, Shelby moved to sit right between Chloe's legs, his front paws over Chloe's knee, resting back on his haunches,

Shelby,” Chloe hissed with exasperation. The sound of Clark's snoring, a gentle snughffle, snughffle every few seconds, halted. And then a wakeful snort was heard. Chloe looked over Shelby's head to where Clark was. He was awake and looking at Chloe with the sleepy eyes. A warm glow seemed to spread over Chloe as Clark's face melted into a giddy grin as he yawned and tried to stretch his long limbs in the confining wooden rocker. The sun was just peeking up over a hill, giving his thick, dark chocolate colored hair a golden hue.

Clark reclined back in the chair, the ironic grace of a large man written ineverymove he made. His grinned slid into an easy smile that sent Chloe's heard pounding, his eyes in contented slits. “Morning,” he murmured, clasping his hands over his t-shirt covered ribbed abdomen.

“Morning,” Chloe returned, matching his early morning tone.

“How ya feelin'?” Clark asked, his voice slightly slurred from slumber.

“Not that hot,” Chloe admitted. “I feel like I was dunked in sweat and then spent the night in an astray.” Chloe lifted a corner of her satin camisole and sniffed. She waved a hand in front of her nose. “And I've got the smell to prove it.”

“You did have one wild night,” Clark replied, his voice sounding a little more alert.

“So I gather from the headache and missing articles of clothing,” Chloe said with an easy smile. “Did I somehow get ahold of Lois' lipstick?”

Clark leaned forward, lacing his fingers between his knees. “Oh no, you did this all by yourself.” He leaned over and pushed Shelby gently down off Chloe's knees.

“Didn't know I had in me,” Chloe responded sarcastically. “Don't think I want to know, either.”

“I didn't know you could sing like that, Chlo,” Clark said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“Sing?” Chloe croaked. She put a hand to her throat. “I. . . Sang?”

“With a mic and everything. Like a sultry swallow, I think is how he introduced you,” Clark informed her, barely holding back a laugh.

Chloe pulled the sheets up and buried her face in them. “No more!” Her cry was muffled. She began to laugh as she pulled the sheets down, revealing her red and tired eyes. She brought a hand up to her temples. “It hurts to laugh.”

Clark rose from the rocking chair only to sit back down on the edge of his bed facing Chloe. He placed a big hand on her bare shoulder. Chloe stifled a gasp at the warmth of his hand. “Chloe, why didn't you come over last night?”

Chloe looked down, fingering the hem of the bed-sheet. “What do you mean?”

“Chloe,” Clark admonished. “I know what happened with you andJimmy.”

Chloe still didn't meet Clark's eyes. She wondered fleetingly how he found out. She hadn't even told Lois yet. “It's no big deal.”

“If it caused you to go drinking when it's illegal, then yes, it was a big deal,” Clark countered.

“Clark? Could you just get me some aspirin?” Chloe asked, meeting Clark's eyes.

Clark smiled. “Sure.” He squeezed her shoulder and stood. In seconds, he was back with the aspirin and a glass of water. Chloe took both gratefully, sipping the water slowly.

The two talked for a little bit, each carefully avoiding the reason Chloe had gotten drunk.

“How do you feel?” Clark asked again.

“A little better. But I'll feel much better after I get a shower and some fresh clothes,” Chloe answered.

Clark stood again. “The shower is all yours. And there should even be fresh towels in there, too.”

“Thanks, Clark, but I need some clean clothes and I don't think-”

Clark disappeared and re-appeared again, blowing back Chloe's hair and causing her to squeeze her eyes shut. “Clark, you have got to stop with Speedy Gonzales routine. At least until I get my equilibrium back.”

“Sorry,” Clark said with a sheepish grin. He held some clothes out to her. “Here. You forgot these the last time you spent the night. Mom went ahead and washed them. I've been meaning to bring them to you but just never found the time.”

Chloe opened her eyes and looked at some loose blue jeans and a plum colored long-sleeved shirt. She took them and turned them over in her hand. “Clark, I haven't seen these since you helped me study for my Psychology final over a year ago!”

“I've been busy,” Clark said again with a grin.

Chloe shook her head. She started to stand. Clark quickly braced his hands on her waist and steadied her. The world spun and Chloe laid her forehead against Clark's shoulder and clung to his biceps, breathing through her nose. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and blew out a breath.

“You okay?” Clark asked with concern. “Maybe you should lie back down.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, I'll be fine. Lois Lane is not the only one in the family who can shake off a hangover.”

“You've been hungover before?” Clark asked incredulously.

Chloe snorted, stepping away from Clark and standing on her own. “Lois and I loved Mary Poppins growing up. Let's just say that the cough syrup was never left out of the medicine cabinet again.”

“How did you get drunk on cough syrup?” Clark asked as he and Shelby followed Chloe to the bathroom. She turned in the doorway to face him.

“Sugar is not the only thing that helps the medicine go down. Codeine helps, too,” Chloe quipped. “You planning on chaperoning?”

Clark realized she couldn't shut the door. He looked back at her and grinned. “You know Chloe, even if you did choose Jimmy, he didn't deserve you.” Clark leaned in and kissed Chloe softly on her lips before he turned and walked down the hall, descending the stairs.

Chloe stood there, mouth slightly open, clothes held limply in her hand, staring after him. Slowly, she turned and shut the door behind her, leaning her back against the wood.

“I must still be drunk,” she whispered.
~ ~ ~

Chloe stepped gratefully under the heated spray. What exactly had she done last night? She remembered walking into the bar, not sure what she was going to do, just wanting to be somewhere loud and boisterous, hoping to drown out the thoughts in her head.

Her relationship with Clark had always been a sore spot with Jimmy. At first, it was just off-hand remarks about Clark needing to get his own girlfriend, that Chloe Sullivan was a taken woman. Then the annoyance began to turn into anxiousness, the anxiousness into paranoia. It was true. To any outsider, she and Clark had an unhealthy co-dependent relationship. What Jimmy didn't understand and what Chloe just couldn't explain, was that the connection she and Clark shared went beyond friendship. She was his secret-keeper, his protector, his best friend. And Clark was. . . Chloe stopped. Clark was everything. Tears mingled with the water running down her face.

One moment. One moment was all it took. One moment of hesitation and all her carefully constructed denials came tumbling down. She could still see Jimmy standing there, tears in his eyes, needing her to prove him wrong.

Can you really tell me if you had the choice you wouldn't rather be with him?”

How had he seen? Had he seen right through her? Had Jimmy always known he was the second choice? The stand-in? Chloe wanted to say what Jimmy needed to hear, but she couldn't bring the words effortlessly. They finally came out by force. She wanted to Jimmy to be the one, but he wasn't. He never even stood a chance against Clark Kent. Who did?

Her thoughts had plagued her and she all wanted was for them to stop! And then, Zach had appeared. The answer to her prayers. Zach, a has-been football star from a neighboring town, the name escaping her. Chloe knew what he'd been after. She even welcomed it. And then the drinks started. Soon, time began to get blurry and she couldn't decipher what had happened and what was conjecture.

Chloe lathered her hair with shampoo, kicking herself as she became giddy at the thought of smelling like Clark. Vaguely, she did remember singing. Songs about revenge seeking women and 'in your face, sucker' came to mind. Not typical break-up songs for girls who had been dumped. No, not for her. Each one was a strike at Clark. Clark and his sickeningly knee-melting grin. Clark and his tight, protective hugs. Clark and his damn vulnerability; emotional and physical. Clark and the way that even when he hurt her, all she wanted to was wrap him in her arms and soothe his pain away.

Chloe struck the shower curtain.

The jerk hadn't even apologized for what he said to her! And Chloe hadn't even expected it! Why? Because he was Clark. She seethed. More at herself than anything. She knew what she'd been doing, too, the minute she kissed Clark in the Planet. She knew she was opening that door she thought she'd shut, locked and barred. She'd seen the hope in his eyes as he came striding toward her after the world had been righted. Time slowed as she ran to meet him, feeling him catch her in his arms. He looked down at her and Chloe knew what he wanted. Clark wanted her. But with Clark Kent, her heart was too high a price to pay. She'd handed over her heart once before and even so many years later, still hadn't gotten one piece of it back. That small piece rested in Clark's back pocket, obviously where she did, too. She was better off hoarding what she had left. Because in the end Clark would leave (he always did) and this time, Chloe may never get her heart back. So, she'd chosen Jimmy.

You know Chloe, even if you did choose Jimmy, he didn't deserve you.” Where had that come from? And Clark kissing, well, pecking her. Had something else happened that she needed to know about? Chloe wracked her brain. She barely remembered Clark strolling into the bar and throwing her over his shoulder, saving her from her bad choices.

Her headache almost gone, Chloe took a deep breath and retraced all her steps. The word 'choose' echoed over and over in her brain. At the edge, another blurred image from last night. Clark, standing over with a red pump, his mouth moving. Chloe zoned in on this image, forcing her mind to bring up more. Clark sat on the bed.

Jimmy broke up with me.”


It was right there. . . Chloe closed her eyes. And then she had it. Her eyes flew open.

No,” she moaned.

Because even though I chose him, he knows I would rather be with you.”

The conversation came back in crystal clear quality. Chloe shut off the water, her body still covered in soap. She had to get out of here. The kiss. Clark knew. But what did it matter? He said himself he was still in love with Lana after he'd broken free from that Phantom a little over a week ago. He'd even kidnapped her and brought her back to the barn and begged for her to marry him, as Lana had confided over lunch the next day. Still, if Chloe wanted to save any of her pride and dignity, she had to scram before Clark tried to let her down easy. Chloe rolled her eyes. She had that speech memorized she could recite it to herself.

Chloe scrambled out of the shower. She swiped a towel and dried herself quickly. Grabbing the clothes, she struggled the jeans over her still damp skin. Once dressed, she peeked out the door. Seeing the hallway was clear, she scampered out and tiptoed to Clark's room. She spotted her pumps and put them on. As quietly as she could in three inch heels, Chloe made it down the polished wood floor to the front stairs, taking a chance that Clark was in the kitchen or on the sofa in the den. Her clothes from last night balled under her arm, she started down the stairs, avoiding the few stairs that squeaked. She would send Lois back for her purse and phone.


Chloe halted on the final step. Her keys. She was trapped. She looked to her right. Clark was sitting on the sofa facing away from her, the TV on and showing some hunting show. Chloe craned her neck. Suppressing a glad shout, she glimpsed them on the counter by the backdoor. Her heart sank when she realized there was no way to get them without being seen. She glowered at the back of Clark's head.

Back up the stairs she went. Maybe, Chloe thought, she could sail down the stairs, grab her keys and scurry out the door, calling out a cheerful goodbye before Clark even knew what was going on. Once out, she'd run to her car. Clark, as fast as was, really wouldn't fight to catch her when she was in her car. At the top of the front steps, she turned to the left and started down the back stairs. Her heart beat faster with each step down. Then it was in her throat when she hit the landing. At the final stair she stopped again and took a breath. She could see her keys.

“Well, Clark,” Chloe started hurriedly. “I gotta run. Bye!” Chloe made it across the kitchen, not even turning her head. With one hand she grabbed her keys and with the other slung open the door.

She shierked when she found Clark on the other side of it, barring her escape route.

Damn,” she muttered.
~ ~ ~

Chloe clutched her keys in one hand while looking up at Clark. He stood before her, crossing his arms in the way he knew made his size a little bit more intimidating. Chloe swallowed.

“You know, Clark,” she began snottily. “I don't need a lecture. My stomach and temples did enough lecturing this morning.”

“I wasn't going to lecture you,” Clark said easily. He knew she was going to bolt. He knew the moment she'd remembered what she'd said last night. A quickening of her heart beat followed by a sharp intake of breath. He sat on the couch and waited. He'd heard her come down the front stairs. He anticipated she'd see her keys and then try the back. She'd stood on the stairs. When she took another big breath, he knew it was time to move. He raced out the front to arrive at the back just as she opened the door.

Chloe bit her lip. “Okay. Then, I'll see you later.” Chloe stepped to side. Clark moved with her. “Clark!” She exclaimed in irritation.

“You remember, don't you?” Clark asked.

Chloe squinted at him. She tousled her damp hair. It was beginning to dry and curl naturally at her chin. A soft strand tickled the side of her mouth and Chloe dashed it away. “Clark, I must have had a Jack Daniels Lobotomy last night because I don't remember anything.”

“You don't remember telling me Jimmy broke up with you?”

“No,” Chloe answered stubbornly.

“You don't remember telling me he broke up with you because you would rather be with me than him?” Clark asked, a little anger creeping into his voice.

Chloe swallowed. “No.”

Clark breathed through his nose. “You don't remember telling me you sometimes want to be Lana to have me see you?”

Chloe glared at Clark. “I have to go.” She swung around and started for the front door.

“Chloe, we need to talk,” Clark said, tagging along behind her.

“No, we don't, Clark!” Chloe threw over her shoulder. “You can save the 'I don't feel the same way' speech. I know it by heart so I'll save you the trouble and tell it to myself on my way home!”

She made it out to the front porch, stomping down the steps. Clark didn't super-speed after her. He took all the steps in one stride. He caught Chloe's arm and spun her around, yanking her closer.

Chloe fought against him. “What are you doing, Clark?”

“What I should have done the moment I came back to you from the Phantom Zone.”

Clark's lips fell on Chloe's. Clark had her wrapped so tightly in his arms, Chloe tried to fight but couldn't. She didn't even want to. She kissed Clark back, the way she'd wanted to ever since that day he'd come to find her. Clark's arms hugged Chloe's waist, a hand pressed against her back as Chloe's own arms draped around his broad shoulders, clinging to him. Clark tasted the saltiness of her tears and felt the wetness on his own cheeks. She was still crying. He pulled away from her and gazed down.

Chloe opened her eyes. “Why did you do that?” She asked with deep sadness as she looked down at her purse and clothes she'd dropped when he kissed her. She wanted to be strong enough to walk away.

“Because I want to be with you, too,” Clark answered thickly.

Chloe hung her head. “No, you don't, Clark. You just think you do. I was drunk last night. I should have never said those things.” She lifted her head and looked at him with a vacant stare. “You don't owe me anything.”

Clark wanted to strangle her. “I know I don't owe you anything, Chloe. I don't want to be just your friend anymore.”

“You're more than my friend,” Chloe replied.

“I want to be more than that.”

Chloe searched his eyes. “What about Lana, Clark? You sat right in that house and told me you still loved her. At her engagement party, you were a regular Roman claiming your Sabine woman.”

“And do you remember what I said to you?” Clark reminded.

“I've pretty much tried the past forty-eight hours to forget,” Chloe responded coldly, pulling away from him. "Hence the drunk fog of last night."

“Chloe, it may have come out wrong, but I meant what I said.” Clark gripped her shoulders gently. “I have thought about you and I. More than I should have.”

“Then what has stopped you?” Chloe demanded.

“Jimmy! You pushed me away for Jimmy.”

“I didn't push you away!”

“Well, that's what it felt like!” Clark yelled, stalking away from her. As he turned to face her again he said, “Why didn't you give us a chance, Chloe?”

“Do you really not know the answer to that?” Chloe asked indignantly. “You still love Lana!”

Clark crossed to Chloe, taking her hands in his. He shook his head. “I don't love Lana. At least, not that way anymore. It's just hard to think that Lex can give her something that I never could.”

“You asked her to marry you, Clark,” Chloe said quietly.

“To stop her from making a terrible mistake. But I don't want Lana. I realize know I did all those things out of anger. I was angry at my mom from moving on with her life without my dad. I was angry at Lana for being able to find in Lex something that I was lacking. And I was angry at you. . .” Clark trailed off.

“Why are you angry at me?”

“For not wanting me. For choosing Jimmy over me. For choosing him over us.” Clark continued on when he saw Chloe open her mouth. “I clung to Lana just like you clung to Jimmy. I was scared of needing you so much, of finally finding that with someone just like you were scared of me hurting you again. I won't hurt you this time, Chloe. I mean it.”


“Do you know you bite your lip when you get nervous?”

Chloe clamped her mouth shut, hiding her top teeth as they worried her bottom lip.

“And you get these two little wrinkles in between your eyebrows when you worry. You roll your eyes when you think I'm being dense or stupid. Your mouth flattens into this thin line when you disagree with me and I can always tell by the exasperated sigh you make when you don't like what I've just said.”

Chloe swallowed.

Clark smiled. “You swallow when you don't know what to say to me, as if you're trying to but time to get the words right. Your eyes light up when I walk into a room and your heart speeds up. Your smile softens when I touch your hand and you tap your foot to the rhythm of 'Jingle Bells' when you're impatient. I don't know why, but you do.”

“What is this all supposed to mean, Clark?” Chloe questioned.

“It means I see you, Chloe. I've always seen you. You don't have to be Lana for me to see how amazing you are. And I don't want to think about it anymore. I want to know what you and I can be together.”

Chloe stared at Clark. His eyes, so open and honest, pleaded with her. He held her hands tightly, careful not to hurt her. He looked so. . . Vulnerable. Chloe broke away from Clark. She backed up, holding his stare. She bent and picked up her clothes and purse. She stood for a moment and then turned and trudged to her car.

“Chloe?” Clark watched Chloe unlocked her car and open the door. He sprang into action. He jogged to the car. He took the hand that held the key. “Chloe, I know you're scared-”

“Wrong, Clark,” Chloe snapped, looking up at him. “I'm terrified. You will be able to walk away from this. You have before. I won't be able to. I never have been. Every time, you take a little piece of me with you. I can't take that chance. I have to go.”

Chloe yanked her hand from Clark's and sank into her seat. Clark watched her start the car and back out. Chloe refused to wipe her eyes until she was out of the Kent driveway.
~ ~ ~

“Lois, what are we doing here?” Chloe groaned as Lois swung her Ford into the packed Wild Coyote parking lot.

“Well, you had so much fun last week being a Country Star,” Lois replied as she unbuckled her seat belt. “I thought maybe we could do it again, sans the liquor.”

Chloe sighed. She grabbed her purse and left the car, following behind Lois. “I was looking forward to seeing Mamma Mia and eating some Raisinets.”

“Oh, you can listen to bad ABBA songs any day,” Lois smirked as she waited for Chloe outside the door. “We really need to find you a new retro band.”

Chloe stopped and looked at Lois in shock. “That's not why I want to see it!” She denied.

Lois cocked an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

“'Dancing Queen' got me through a very tough time,” Chloe quipped as she grabbed the door and pulled it open, the smell of cigarette smoke making both her and Lois cough. “We'll be dead from second-hand smoke in ten minutes.”

“Think positive.” Lois pushed Chloe inside.

The two girls moved inside. Lois looked around expectantly. Chloe squinted at her cousin in suspicion. “You meeting someone?”

Lois shot Chloe a secretive smile. “Why don't you go grab a table down in front while I grab some waters. We'll get a good look at the talent.” Lois gave her a wink and moved off to the bar.

Chloe blew out a breath and squeezed through the crowd. She found a vacant table off toward the left hand side of the stage. She sat down, trying to slightly hide her face, not knowing if any of the patrons here had witnessed her embarrassing American Idol episode.

“All right, so,” Lois startled Chloe as she appeared at her side with two bottles of water, setting one down in front of Chloe. “I talked to the bartender and he says there is a new guy about to take the stage who seems promising. Looks like we got here just in time.”

“I wonder what his blood alcohol-level is?” Chloe asked sarcastically as she took a sip of her water.

A few minutes later, the host for the night took the stage, the crowd welcoming him with a whoop!

“We've got a special performance for you tonight, folks! Seems like this young stallion had some trouble with his filly a couple of days ago and hopes this will convince her to 'take a chance'. Chlo, this is for you.”

Chloe's head snapped up as water shot from her mouth in surprise. She grabbed some napkins and quickly sopped it all up, glancing over at Lois who was trying not to laugh.

“What have you done?” She asked in dread.

“Just listen.”

Chloe looked back to the stage. A tape of ABBA began playing and to her utter disbelief, Clark Kent, in his jeans and a red t-shirt, took the stage. Chloe's heart skipped a beat. He looked so nervous and over-grown, standing on the stage, clearing his throat. His eyes searched the space and finally landed on her. He swallowed and Chloe couldn't hold back a shaky smile.

Clark missed his beat and had to rush the beginning.

If you change your mind, I'm the first in line, honey I'm still free, take a chance on me.”

He wasn't that bad, but he was nervous and his voice broke and his eyes danced wildly but remained on her. Chloe felt tears gather as she pressed a hand to her mouth.

If you need me, let me know, gonna be around, I've got not place to go, if you're feeling down, if you're all alone when the pretty birds have flown, honey I'm still free, take a chance one me. Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie. If you put me to the test, if you let me try.”

Lois could no longer hold in her laughter. A boisterous guffaw burst from her mouth and Chloe elbowed her. Laughter at Clark and his antics bubbled in her belly and she clamped her mouth shut. Clark, seeing Chloe's eyes shimmering with laughter and tears felt his confidence soar.

He bellowed into the microphone, the crowd no longer booing but clapping and cheering him on, many glancing at Chloe with cheerful smiles.

Take a chance on me! That's all I can ask you honey, take a chance on me!”

Clark, more emboldened now than he'd been by Red K, jumped off the stage and went to stand right in front of Chloe. Chloe looked at him, giggling and smiling while Lois sang loudly along with Clark the next verse to one of Chloe's favorite songs.

We can go dancing, we can go walking, as long as we're together. Listen to some music, maybe just talking, get to know you better. Cause you know I've got so much I wanna do, when I dream I'm alone with you, It's magic.”

Clark hit a knee, making sure he was eye to eye with Chloe. He took her hand and pulled it to his chest. Chloe cupped his cheek with her other one, fingering his skin.

You want me to leave it there, afraid of a love affair, but I think you know, that I can't let go.”

Chloe forgot about the other room full of people. She pulled Clark close and kissed him. Clark dropped the microphone and wrapped his arms around Chloe, kissing her back. Cheers and hollers and whistles went up from the crowd, Lois whopping the loudest of them all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lois swiped the mic from Clark and leapt on stage, picking up where Clark left off, leading the whole bar as everyone sang.

Chloe pulled back, Clark still on his knees in front of her chair and looked at him. He scooted closer, able to almost touch his nose to hers.

“So, does this mean we're going to try this?” Clark asked hopefully.

Chloe bit her lip, her eyes smiling back at him. She brought a hand up and smoothed some strand away from his forehead, letting her fingers continue to tunnel through his hair. “How can I say no when you humiliated yourself like that?”

“I was counting on that,” Clark replied.

“Clever,” Chloe said.

“I know you're scared, Chloe. I am, too. I don't want to screw this up,” Clark admitted.

“You won't,” Chloe told him.

Clark looked at her, letting her see just how afraid he really was. “How do you know?”

Chloe put her hands on Clark's shoulders. If he could get up onstage and sing that horrible song, in public, just to try and win her, she would demolish her walls, brick by brick in order to give them a chance.

“I won't let you.”

“I love you, Chloe.” Clark looked as surprised by his admission as Chloe was to hear it.

She swallowed, causing Clark to grin. “I love you, too, Clark.”

Clark got to his feet, pulling Chloe with him. He kissed her sweetly. As Lois brought down the house on the final verse, Clark held Chloe in his arms and they danced slowly to the faint melody playing around them.

Clark laid his cheek against Chloe. Looks like all that pining did pay off, he thought. Hers and his.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Magic Days of Summer

banner by kneel4justice!!!

Title/Link:  The Magic Days of Summer
Author:  Hughie87
Pairing:  Chlark
Rating:  PG
Warnings (if needed):  None
Spoilers:  None
Short Summary:  In the magical days of summer that followed their Senior year, Clark and Chloe each conquer one irrational fear.  The biggest surprise?  Together they overcome the greatest fear shared by them both; their first date.
A/N:  This fic was a fic for the Secret Chlark Exchange for Chleansmile on LJ.  She wanted summer, fun and teasing.  I hope I met all three requirements more than once.    

The Magic Days of Summer 

     “Come on, Chloe!” Clark called impatiently.

          “Would you hold your horses, Clark?” Chloe growled from inside the door to the apartment above the Talon Coffee Shop.  Clark stood outside the door, his arms folded over his giant chest, tapping a big foot.  His flip-flop made an annoying slap against the polished stone floor.

          “Gah, fine!  Here!” Chloe scrambled out of the apartment, thrusting a huge beach bag with items stuffed to the brim at Clark and a lounge chair that he caught on one arm.  “Anything to stop that insistent “Chloe, would you hurry up” stomp.” Chloe turned and locked the door.  She dropped her keys into the beach bag before squatting down and running her a hand around Clark’s bare toes.

          “What are you doing, Chlo?” Clark queried at the oddness of Chloe running her fingers around the edge of his sandal.

          “I’m making sure you didn’t crack the floor with your impatient rendition of Riverdance,” she told him, her blonde head popping up with a sunny grin shining up at him.

          “Very funny,” Clark replied mildly.  “Making with the super jokes already.  You can carry your own haul then.” Clark dumped the bag and chair at her feet before plodding down the twisting staircase.

          “Hey!” Chloe cried.  Rolling her eyes she threw some spilled contents back into the bag.  Hefting it onto her shoulder she bent down to pick up the chair.  The bag slid from her shoulder, falling to the floor with a thud.  Chloe groaned in frustration as sunscreen, towels and snacks came tumbling out again.

          “Need a little help?”

          Chloe looked up and lowered her eyebrows in at the smirk Clark wore.  “No, I can handle all this just fine.”

          “What all are you bringing, Chloe?  We’re just going to the lake.  Not a two-week long mission,” Clark said as he knelt down, picking up some of the stuff that had fallen out.  He picked up a worn-out romance novel and turned it around in his hands, stifling a laugh.  Chloe snatched it back and shoved it in the bottom on the bag.

          “I’m only bringing the necessities.  A comfy chair, sun protectant, reading material and a few other things,” Chloe replied, standing again, bag balanced precariously on her narrow shoulder.

          Clark picked up the chair and then took the bag.  He glanced inside momentarily.  “There better not be a coffee pot that runs on batteries in here.”

          Chloe’s eyes widened.  “I knew I’d forgotten something!” She twirled to return to the apartment.

          “I don’t think so, coffee bean!”  Clark grabbed Chloe’s arm and pulled her along behind him. 

          “But, Clark-!” Chloe exclaimed as they clomped down the stairs together.

          “Chloe!  You drink too much of that stuff already,” Clark threw over his shoulder.  “We’re going to the lake.  You’ve heard of them?  Bodies of water, usually smaller than the ocean, no salt and smaller fishes.”

          “Thanks for the marine biology lesson, Professor Kent,” Chloe snarked from behind him.  “I think I remember reading about something like that in the National Geographic but I am so excited to see one in its natural habitat.”

          Clark waved awkwardly to a couple of patrons who looked at him and Chloe with interesting expressions.  The two certainly made a pair that was for sure.  Clark, tall, broad and dark, carried a bag on one shoulder and in his hand a chair.  The other hand was clamped tightly around the slender wrist of a girl half his size, blonde and skipping along to keep up with his mammoth strides.  He hit the door with a knee and pushed it open, pulling Chloe up and thrusting her out before him, finally relinquishing hold on her wrist now that he’d gotten her out into the sunshine and away from all the electrical appliances she could stuff in a bag.

          “Well, since you’ve heard about lakes and read about them, you obviously know what goes on at lakes,” Clark continued his lecture as he tossed the bag and chair in the back of his truck.  He grasped the handle and opened the passenger side door, helping Chloe into the high cab before shutting the door and circling around to jump in himself. 

          “I don’t believe I read that far.  I’m intrigued.  Enlighten me; just what do people do at these lakes?” Chloe asked waspishly as Clark started the truck, the engine rattling to life. 

          Shifting the gears into ‘drive’ and pulling out onto the main street of Smallville, Clark gasped in playful shock.  “Lots of things!  Swimming, water skiing, jet skiing, tubing, water volleyball-“

          “Ah, there is the problem,” Chloe interrupted him.

          Clark sent a glance over at Chloe with a lifted eyebrow.  “And just what problem would that be?”

          Chloe slid her sunglasses over her eyes and gazed at him behind the shaded lenses.  “Water.  You seem to forget that I have nothing to do with the stuff.”

          “Chloe, you can’t honestly tell me you’re afraid of a little H2O.”

          “No, no,” Chloe negated hurriedly with a shake of her head.  “I just have a healthy respect for water.”

          Clark bit his tongue in a smirk.  Looking over at Chloe, he watched as her throat moved convulsively; signaling she was either nervous, worried or both.  He laughed uproariously.

“You’re afraid of water!”  He crowed triumphantly.  It was refreshing to find out Chloe Sullivan was actually afraid of something.

“I am not!” Chloe yelled back, crossing her arms petulantly.

Clark softened his voice, shooting Chloe a supportive smile.  “Come on, Chloe.  It’s okay to admit if you are.”

Chloe tossed her head and snorted, pushing her sunglasses up higher on her nose.  “I hate to burst your hydrology bubble, Clark, but I, Poseidon and all his realms are cool.  I enjoy a lot of different activities.  Water activities just don’t happen to be any of them.”

The truck rattled around a turn and headed out an old country road toward Crater Lake.  Clark and Chloe were headed toward the last summer barbecue their high school class was having before everyone headed off in separate directions for college or for life.  The class of 2005 felt they had a few monumental things to celebrate this summer.  The State Championship Title had been returned to the Smallville Crows for the first time in fourteen years on the golden arm of Clark Kent, the unlikely quarterback.  Their class had achieved the highest GPA and college enrollment in the town’s history, ensuring that most kids would not be, as Whitney Fordman aptly put it once, another “Remember him?” stuck in Smallville reliving their high school glory days.  But the biggest reason it seemed to celebrate was that Smallville had been hit by another meteor shower and survived.

The day Clark and Chloe graduated, the nightmares Clark had been having about “something coming” came true.  It was a horrible day, one Clark would gladly erase from his resume.  However, like the meteor shower before when his parents found him, there was a good thing that came out of all the bad.

Clark glanced to his side, seeing the girl riding shotgun next to him, her blonde hair whipping in the wind from the open window.  A happy smile graced his face.  Chloe Sullivan had been his best friend since they were thirteen years old and now she knew his secret.  It was more than he could ever hope for in a friendship.  She was supportive and caring.  Best of all, she treated him as she always had.  Well, maybe a little pushier but that was only because she saw his true potential.  And that was okay.  Chloe pushed him to be better.  He liked that. 

With that thought just out of his brain, Clark determined it was time to do some pushing of his own.

“Have you ever tried any of these activities, Chloe?”

“I don’t have to try anything to know I don’t like them.”

“So, you don’t like something you’ve never done?”

“For your information, Clark, it may have escaped your notice, but I am not an outside kinda girl.  I am an air-conditioned, electronically addicted, coffee gulping, work until three in the morning kinda girl.  I am only going to the barbecue because once I am entrenched in the bogs of higher level learning I am going to be able to look back on this day and remember the feel of sun on my face and sand, well, lake sand between my toes.”

“And the feel of water on your skin.”

Chloe jerked her head to the side.  “Nothing in that last soliloquy involved water, helmet head.”

“Ow!” Clark laughed.  “Just for that, you are water skiing today, Chloe.  Even if I have to throw you over my shoulder, you’re going in this lake!”

“Fine!” Chloe amended, throwing up her hands. “I’m petrified of water, Clark, okay?  I hate crossing Rainbow Bridge, I almost have a panic attack any time it rains and The Little Mermaid movie gives me nightmares.”

“The Little Mermaid?” Clark asked incredulously.

“She spends most of the movie underwater!” Chloe exclaimed.  “How does she breathe?”

“I’m sure she’s got some kind of gills like all fish,” Clark pointed out.

“All right, Gordon’s Fisherman, riddle me this.” Chloe turned in her seat and faced Clark.  She lifted her sunglasses, perching them atop her head, looking at him straight on.  “They are supposedly on the bottom of the ocean.  The water pressure increases 15 pounds per square inch for every 30 feet as you go down.  By those calculations, any and all forms of oxygen breathing organisms would be crushed.  Not only that, but water freezes at 28 degrees Fahrenheit.  In the deepest part of the ocean, the average temperature is 0 to 3 degrees Celsius, which is 28 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  According to new studies, from the heat at the core of the Earth, the bottom of the ocean floor is 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.  Ariel would have frozen to death before she could have even reached the surface to save Prince Eric.  Plus, it’s supposed to be pitch black down there.  How do they see?”

Clark shook his head.  Sometimes Chloe’s analytical brain could really do her in.  He spun the wheel, turning onto the wide gravel path that led to the lake.  The truck rumbled through the trees and then out into the clearing overlooking the lake.

“One,” Clark began.  “We don’t actually know if King Triton’s kingdom sat on the very bottom of the ocean.  It could have been located in one of the many underground mountain ranges.  The movie might not even be set in an ocean, but in one of the seas, like the Mediterranean.”  Clark turned off the engine, stuffing the keys under the seat.  He opened his door and got out, turning to face Chloe who had also excited the vehicle over the bed of the truck.

“Two,” Clark held up two fingers.  “It’s a Disney movie.  An animated Disney movie.  I doubt they did that much research into a movie based on a fairy tale about a melancholy mermaid, her singing crab and a squid that has dark powers.”  Clark walked to the end of the bed and unlatched the tailgate.  Chloe and he lowered it down and Clark reached in back and pulled out her beach bag, her chair and his towel.

“And finally, three,” Clark continued.  He grabbed Chloe by her arm again and swung her around to face him.  “What does any of this have to do with water skiing?”

Chloe opened her mouth and then shut it, resembling a fish out of water and a snarky girl without a comeback.  She lifted her eyes and narrowed them.  Shoving her sunglasses back on her face she stuck her tongue out at Clark.  “Don’t look so smug.  Just because you may have reasoned away my ridiculous terror of The Little Mermaid, doesn’t mean I am getting anywhere near water, a boat, skis or you, let alone a combination of the four!”

Clark lifted his hands to Chloe’s shoulders.  “Chloe, would I ever let anything happen to you?”

Chloe bit her bottom lip.  “Why is this so important, Clark?” She asked quietly.

“Because,” Clark started.  He turned them around, throwing his towel over his shoulder and taking the chair from her as she carried the beach bag.  Clark laid an arm across Chloe’s shoulders, feeling Chloe’s arm slip around his waist.  Together, they strolled along the grass toward the large group of people that had already gathered there.  “I want to spend the possible last day before we go off to college with my best friend having fun.  And I just don’t think you are going to have that much fun sitting on the shore under your portable umbrella reading a book you’ve read thousands of times.”

“You just want to see me fall on my ass,” Chloe countered, glancing up at him.

Clark grinned.  “No, I would really like to teach you to water ski.  Falling on your ass is a requirement and a bonus.”

Chloe poked him in the stomach, hard enough it was annoying but gentle enough she didn’t break her finger.

Calls of greeting went up the closer Clark and Chloe got to the crowd of people.  Chloe spotted Lana and Lois amidst the group.  Both the girls waved before heading toward them.  Chloe pulled away from Clark to face him. 

“If I let you teach me how to water ski, you’re going to have to do something just as terrifying,” Chloe told him.

Clark shrugged.  “Sounds like a fair trade off.  Just what did you have in mind?”

Clark grinned.  This was going to be a piece of cake.  There weren’t a lot of things that terrified Clark anymore besides the fear of the deep, dark things he only let out in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep.  And even those had become a lot less terrifying since he’d begun sharing a lot of himself with Chloe.

“Hey, guys!” Lana said as she and Lois reached them, handing Clark and Chloe each a red cup of punch.

“Hey, Lana!” Chloe said, reaching out to hug her one of her best friends.  “I thought you were getting ready to leave for Paris so you wouldn’t be able to make this last shin-dig.”

Lana brushed the ponytail off her shoulder and looked around before smiling back at her three friends.  “I couldn’t leave without coming to this one last time.  I’m really going to miss Smallville.”

“How could anyone miss Smallville?” Lois snorted from beside Chloe.  She cast her baleful eyes upon Clark.  “He reeks of small town drama and unresolved teen angst.”

Chloe hid her laugh behind a sip from her cup before pointing out, “I think Lana meant the town, Lois.”

Lois shrugged a shoulder before winking at Clark.  They all knew Lana meant the town, but any opportunity Lois had to bust Clark was never an opportunity wasted. 

“Lois,” Clark said with barely disguised annoyance.  “You’re here.  Why?  Am I ever going to get rid of you?”

“I was invited,” Lois replied.  “And, no.  You can try but I doubt you will succeed.  Just as flannel will never be able to get rid of you.  I mean, come on.  Plaid board shorts, Smallville, really?  Can you not try at least once to be adventurous?”

So, Chloe,” Lana broke in, trying to bring an end to Lois and Clark’s bickering.  “I overheard something about you letting Clark teach you how to water ski.  What changed your mind about attempting such a dare-devil feat?”

Chloe laughed.  “We were actually in the middle of making a deal.”  Chloe turned to face Clark who still stood beside her.  “We have some unfinished business, Quarterback.”

“This sounds serious,” Lois whispered audibly as she leaned into Lana.  “She called him ‘Quarterback’.”

Clark rolled his eyes.  “Name the terms, Reporter.  In exchange for you water skiing, what do I have to do?”

Chloe glanced over at Lois and Lana before looking back to Clark.  She smiled and as her lips curled upward in a smug grin, Clark felt his knees weaken a little.  Whether it be from how cute she looked or that something told him he’d underestimated her, Clark wasn’t sure.

She placed her hands on her hips. “If I let you teach me how to water ski, then you have to come to the Shelbyville Carnival with me.”

Clark’s eyes widened.  He didn’t expect it to be something so simple.  “Great, Chloe!  Sounds fun.  We always have a blast there.”

“And,” Chloe continued.  Clark furrowed his eyebrows.  “You have to ride the Ferris Wheel.”

Clark’s stomach dropped to his toes.  He had underestimated the deviousness of his best friend.  The Shelbyville Carnival ran all year round and boasted to have the Tallest Ferris Wheel in Kansas.  Clark and Chloe had been going to the Carnival for years.  Chloe always begged him to ride it with her but with his irrational fear of heights he’d always gotten dizzy just waiting in line. 


“Uh-huh, Clark.  You can’t expect me to put aside all my hang-ups and let you strap me to a pair of skis that will be pulled behind a speeding boat that I will not be in control of without a little incentive.  If I am willing to trust you this much, you should be willing to trust me.”

“But, Chloe-“

“Nope.  Either you give me your word or the deals off and I spend the rest of this beautiful afternoon with my nose buried in the English countryside circa 1756.”

Clark tightened his jaw. 

“Aw, is little Clarkie scared?” Lois whined across from him.  Lana slapped her arm, trying to stem her own giggle.

He looked back at Chloe.  She held his stare with steady eyes.  “What’s it gonna be, Clark?  Are we participating in fear defying acts and becoming better people?  Or returning to boring old ‘Clark and Chloe’?”

Clark breathed in through his nose.  Chloe expected him to chicken out, indirectly releasing her from learning how to water ski.  She was in for a surprise then.  If there was anything Chloe had taught him this summer it was that he could do the impossible as long as he believed in himself. 

Clark stuck his hand out.  “Deal.”

~ ~ ~

Chloe’s insides quelled.  She hadn’t expected Clark to give in so easily.  Or at all.  He smiled happily down at her, his hand hanging in the air between them.  Chloe knew if she backed down now, he’d never let her forget it.  She glanced over her shoulder at the sparkling water and the few boats already out making waves.  It did look like fun but the thought of being attached to something going fast or something she was not in control of or near water made her queasy.  She didn’t know exactly why she was afraid of water.  She just knew she had been since she was little.  It didn’t hamper her day to day life; she could still drink it and take showers or baths.  It was just large bodies of water or large amounts of rain that set her nerves on edge.  She looked back at Clark.  She’d underestimated him.  He knew what she’d been trying to accomplish.  And if there was one thing bigger than Chloe’s fear of water, it was her pride. 

She grasped Clark’s hand and they shook once.  “Deal,” Chloe said with an air of finality. 

Lana and Lois cheered and clapped.  Clark grinned like a cat with a canary.  He slapped his hands together and rubbed them with anticipation. 

“Let’s get started,” he said, reaching out and taking Chloe’s hand to lead her toward the lake.

“Clark, wait, wait!” Chloe scrambled.  “There is no rush.  We just got here.  Let’s mingle and maybe eat some lunch.  I am starved!”

“Chloe, I know you.  You will put it off and spend all day dreading it.  Why not get it over now and find out that you are a water skiing maniac?” Clark pointed out.

“He is right, Chlo,” Lois interjected.  “Remember in the fourth grade when you were chosen to give the announcements one morning?  You spent the entire day before worried about messing up so much you made yourself sick and threw up all over Principle Harrison the next morning.”

“Thanks for the support, cuz,” Chloe replied with a roll of her eyes.

“Anything for family.  Ooooh, tag football.  I’ll catch you crazy kids later.”  They watched as Lois headed over to the game that was starting up between the few husky football players in attendance.

One spotted Clark and cupped his hands around his mouth.  “Hey, Kent!  Let’s get this game started!”

“Maybe later, Josh!” Clark yelled back.

“Clark, I’ll make you a deal,” Chloe said quickly.

“I thought that is what we were doing,” Clark responded with a wink.

Chloe sighed.  “Go play some football.  Someone needs to watch Lois and make sure she plays nice and doesn’t break any of their bones.  That will give me an hour to dread and try to attempt a quick getaway in the truck.”

Clark mulled it over.  He looked back at the game that was almost underway.  “Hold up, Josh!”  He turned back to Chloe.  “All right.  One hour.  And please don’t try to steal my truck.  You can’t handle a stick and you will strip the gears and they don’t need any more help.”

“I can handle a stick!” Chloe cried indignantly as Clark jogged over to the rest of his former teammates. 

“Hmmm,” Lana breathed as she stepped up beside Chloe.  “Do I sense a little school ground flirting going on?”

“What?” Chloe asked as she and Lana turned away from the game, heading toward some shaded tables that had been set up.

Lana elbowed her.  “Come on, Chloe.  I have eyes.  Ever since graduation you and Clark have been attached at the hip.  It can’t all be about you and him going to separate colleges.”

Chloe shrugged.  She and Lana sat down at the nearest table facing each other.  Chloe could see the game right over Lana’s shoulder.  She smiled at the karma of Clark having Lois on his team.  They were already arguing. 

“I don’t know, Lana,” Chloe began.  She knew it wasn’t about going to separate colleges at all because while Clark was only going to CKU and her going to MetU, he could speed down and see her any time he wanted.  It was about Clark finally being honest with her and trusting her.  They had been spending a lot of time together but it was nothing more than friend stuff.  She had dinner over at his house, he was helping her pack for the move to MetU in another month and they were planning on attending each other’s registrations next week.  Nothing more than that.  “We’re just enjoying the summer.”

Lana smiled knowingly at Chloe.  “I think it’s a little more than the summer you two are enjoying, but that is an outsider’s view.”

“Hello, Ladies,” Scott Sumner said as he strolled over with his camera.  “Care for posing for a quick photo op?”

“And embrace our inner hungry super models?  You bet!” Chloe said.  She and Lana stood up and leaned closer, their faces close so they could fit in the shot.  Scott snapped and thanked them before loping off to catch some action at the tag football sidelines.

“When does Smallville lose you to MetU?” Lana asked.

“In another month,” Chloe answered.  “I really wish you would change your mind, Lana.  Imagine the havoc we could wreak together.”

Lana laughed.  “As tempting as that sounds, this is too good an opportunity to pass up.”

“Are you sure Lex has no other sort of agenda than offering you a free ride to research your family line in France?” Chloe questioned quietly.  She remembered how frantic Lex had seemed to get his hands on that stone that has mysteriously gone missing from his vault the day of the second meteor shower.  “Because it sounds awfully generous for someone who is getting nothing out of the deal.”

Lana nodded.  “I am aware of that.  The only thing he asked was if I ran over any more information on the Teagues I would pass it on.  I can’t ignore what happened this year but Lex and Lionel did help me with my murder defense.”

“You didn’t need their help, Lana.  It was self-defense,” Chloe pointed out.

“I know.  But I owe them and Lex has done more for me than I can ever repay him for.  We’ve been seeing each other, Chloe,” Lana replied. 

Chloe’s mouth dropped.  “As in, “seeing each other” seeing each other?”

Lana smiled softly.  “I guess you could say we’re ‘enjoying the summer’.  He’s different when we are together, Chloe.  He’s caring and gentle.”

“As long as you go into this relationship with eyes wide open, Lana.  The son seems to be defying the Luthor name but it is Lex.  I’ve seen him be both sides of the coin,” Chloe replied with concern.

Lana reached out and squeezed Chloe’s hand.  “I know you have and I appreciate your concern.”


“I’m going to kill your cousin, Chloe.”

Lana and Chloe looked to their left to saw Clark barreling toward their table.

Chloe stifled a laugh at his thunderous expression.  “What did she do now?”

“She kneed Zack Resin for grabbing her butt while trying to get her flag,” Clark told them as he sat down beside Chloe.

“Is the game over?” Lana asked.

“Yeah,” Clark nodded.  “The other guys are afraid they might suffer a similar fate.”

“I told you to make sure she behaved, Clark,” Chloe teased.

“It’s Lois!  It’s like trying to predict when a volcano will erupt,” Clark replied.

“And woe to all in Mount St. Helen’s path,” Chloe giggled.

~ ~ ~
Chloe settled into her chair with a sigh of contentment.  The afternoon was wearing down and after another game of tag football that she and Lana had been coerced into, a few other rely races and some bruises that would be quite colorful in a couple of days, Chloe was looking forward to passing the time between now and the late-night bonfire at the shore of the lake listening the sounds of nature that surrounded her.  She closed her eyes and tipped her face upward, letting the sun kiss her face.  Her eyebrows furrowed when it got darker behind her lids.  She cracked one open to peek out.  She groaned.  Clark stood over her chair, the sun lighting him from behind.  She felt a drop of water slide off him and land on her thigh.

“Clark, not only are you blocking my sun but you are dripping on me,” Chloe pointed out before closing her eyes again and settling more into her chair.

“You’re about to get a whole lot more wet than that, Chlo,” Clark told her as he hit his knees in the sand at her feet.

Chloe opened her eyes.  “Rule of thumb is to stay out of the water thirty minutes after you’ve eaten.”

“And we ate two hours ago.  I think you’re safe.”

“Okay, okay,” Chloe said with exasperation.  “I give in.  Just let me ease my way in.”

“Actually, Chloe, the best way to conquer your fears is to jump in head first,” Clark said as he pushed himself into a squat.  “Or in this case, feet first.”

“Clark, what are you doing?” Chloe asked nervously as Clark took her hands and pulled her up to her feet.

“Getting your feet wet,” Clark replied as he snaked a hand behind Chloe’s thighs and hauled her up in his arms.

Chloe clung frantically to his neck.  “Clark, don’t you dare!” She screamed.

“Too late!” Clark cried as he took off running down the long dock stretching out into the water.

Chloe squealed as she buried her face against Clark’s neck.  Chloe could hear people behind whooping and hollering.  She braced herself for the moment of impact.  She felt Clark’s feet leave the dock as he let out a cry of “Yahoo!!!”.  Clark’s arms tightened and Chloe had enough wits about her to take a deep breath as they hit the water.  Cold water engulfed them as their heads went below the surface.  Her grip on Clark’s neck tightened the lower they went.  She finally felt them begin to rise as Clark’s powerful legs kicked them toward the surface.  When air hit her face, Chloe opened her mouth and gasped for breath.  She opened her eyes and blinked away water. 

“You are such a jerk!” She yelled as she thumped Clark on the chest.

Suddenly, a spray of water went up to Clark and Chloe’s side as another couple jumped off the dock.  Soon people were jumping in in droves.  Chloe continued to cling to Clark, allowing him to tread water for the both of them.  A laugh bubbled up inside of her as their classmates began filling the water, splashing each other and playing water tag.

“See?  Not so bad, is it?” Clark asked, their faces just inches from each other. 

Chloe looked at his smile and rolled her eyes.  It wasn’t so scary when she was with him, but she was still mad about his surprise attack.

“And what if I hadn’t been able to swim, Clark?  Did you ever think about that?” Chloe asked haughtily.

Clark grinned at her and brought his arms to wrap around her bare waist.  Their skin touched as he pulled her close and something in that moment changed.  “Then it’s a good thing I haven’t let you go,” Clark answered huskily. 

Chloe’s eyes began to close as Clark leaned forward.  Their lips were a breath away when someone screamed “Cannonball!” and they were knocked by the waves of the person hitting the water.  T.J. Blackman came sputtering up.  He looked to his right and winked at Clark and Chloe.  “Sorry,” he apologized irreverently.

Clark splashed T.J. and the young man swam off cackling.  Chloe looked away from Clark and cleared her throat. 

“Well,” Chloe began, looking back at Clark when she was sure her blush had worn off.  “Lucky for you, even though I never planned on setting foot in the water again after 6th grade, my dad forced me into swimming lessons for the next three summers.”

“Then why are you so freaked out by the water?” Clark asked as Chloe inched away from him.  She left his arms but kept hold of his hands for reassurance.

“I don’t know.  I’ve just never liked water since I was little.  My dad put me in swimming lessons with the thought I would find my inner mermaid,” Chloe replied.

“It was that movie that started it,” Lois offered as she joined them in the water.

“The Little Mermaid?” Chloe asked.

“Damn Walt Disney and his believable fairy tales,” Lois said.  “I can’t believe you don’t remember, Chloe.”

“What happened?” Clark asked.

“She was convinced that every time she got in the water the two eel henchmen would come and drag her down to the depths of the ocean where the sea witch would turn her into one of those seaweed people,” Lois informed him.

Chloe put a hand to her mouth.  “She’s right!  I did!”  Chloe began to laugh at herself.  It was then both Clark and Chloe realized she’d let go of him completely.  She looked at Clark and beamed at him.  Lois, catching the look in her friends’ eyes, quickly excused herself and swam away, joining Lana who was climbing up the ladder to the dock.

“Think you’re ready to conquer your other fear for today?” Clark asked, stifling the frighteningly right feeling to pull Chloe into his arms.

Chloe’s eyes widened a little.  “I’ve already defeated an evil sea witch.  Why not add another casualty to the list?”

“Then, let’s go,” Clark said, taking Chloe’s hand and leading her toward the shore.

Chloe swallowed. “That didn’t exactly mean this very second, Clark.”

~ ~ ~

“There really is nothing to it, Chloe,” Clark said as he cinched the life jacket around Chloe’s waist.  The two of them stood in the gently rocking boat owned by Sarah Burke’s family.  “Me and you are going to get into the water.  I am going to help you on with the skis and then I am going to get back in the boat.  We’re going to start going really slow and then just tell us if you want to speed up.  If you don’t like it, just say the word.  I’ll hear you.”

Chloe smiled weakly at Clark.  He brushed the wet hair back from her face.  “You ready?”

“No,” Chloe said grumpily.  “But I’m resigned to my fate.”

“It’ll be fun,” Clark assured her for the millionth time.  He climbed over the side of the boat and into the water.  Chloe took a deep breath and followed him.  They swam back to about five feet and Sarah threw them the skis.  Clark caught them and untangled the rope.  Holding the skis in one hand, he ran his hand down Chloe’s calf to her ankle.  He pulled her ankle up, settling her foot on his thigh as he fitted the shoe of the ski onto her little foot.  Doing the same with other, he told Chloe to get into a position like she was sitting in a chair, the soles of the skis facing the boat. 

“Are they too tight?” Clark asked.

“No, they feel fine,” Chloe answered, her mind concentrating on all the pointers both Clark and Sarah had given her. 

“All right, here is the rope.”  Clark handed her the rope and Chloe clung to it until her knuckles turned white.  Clark wrapped a hand around hers on the triangular bar that was attached to the rope, his other hand on her back.  “Keep your arms straight and your knees bent.  You’re probably gonna fall this first time and when you do, let go of the rope.”

“You’re going to see me if I fall?” Chloe asked frantically.

“I’m going to be watching you the whole time,” Clark said.  “The moment you fall, I’ll be right here.”

Chloe nodded.  “Okay.  Let’s get this over with before I turn yellow.”

Clark smiled and shot her the thumbs up sign before swimming back to the boat.  Chloe watched him climb into the boat, sighing a little as his swim trunks outlined his body.  Maybe there was more to them just enjoying the summer.  It seemed like Clark was going to kiss her until T.J. bombed them with his cannonball.  Chloe shrugged.  As the old cliché went, if it was meant to be it would happen.  She’d already decided that whatever happened with her and Clark would no longer define her life.  She was enjoying the direction they were going and if it led to a possible date, she’d accept it happily.  If not, she would value their close friendship.

“Are you ready?” Clark called from the boat.

Chloe did a quick mental check.  She held the rope lightly but firmly; she was in the right position with her knees bent as if sitting in a chair, the skis were facing the boat.  Her heart was in her throat and she felt as if her half-digested lunch was going to perform an encore.  Steeling her nerves, Chloe pressed her mouth into a tight line and nodded.

The sound of the boat roaring to life caused her to let out a small scream.  The rope went taunt and Chloe felt her body begin to move in the water.  She looked up and found Clark leaning at the back of the boat watching her with quick eyes.  She smiled shakily.  The boat slowly gained momentum and soon Chloe found herself on top of the water.  She kept her arms straight and her knees bent. 

“She can go a little faster,” Chloe called out.  Clark turned his head and Sarah pushed the throttle forward, the boat steadily picking up speed.  Chloe felt she was getting the hang of it and loosened her hold on the bar.  The sound of the boat and the waves it created were deafening.  Chloe looked back to Clark and noticed he was trying to get her attention.

“What?” She yelled.  A garbled response reached her ears.  “I can’t hear you!”

Suddenly, the boat took a hard left turn and Chloe saw what Clark had been trying to tell her.  Straight ahead was a boat that was idling but the people on board were scrambling to move out of Sarah’s path.  The skis jerked to the right and Chloe lost her balance, falling forward.  She forgot to let go of the rope, but thankfully it was ripped from her hands and Chloe floundered before coming up gasping for air from the water.  Within seconds, strong arms engulfed her and she was once again resting against Clark’s bare chest. 

“Are you okay?  Chloe, are you hurt?” Clark asked, running his hands over her back and down her legs.

Chloe looked up at Clark, a little dazed as they bobbed in the water.  “I fell on my ass.  Am I done now?”

Clark laughed.  “You can be.  Or you can try again.”

Chloe sighed.  She knew if she didn’t try again, she’d spend the rest of the day hating herself.  And the part before she fell was getting less scary the longer she stayed on her feet.

“Rack it up again,” Chloe told Clark with a grin.

~ ~ ~

Chloe had stayed on skis for almost an hour; the perfectionist in her coming out and not giving up until she could go for long stretches of time without falling.  Afterwards, Chloe climbed into an old inner-tube where she, Lois and Lana spent the afternoon in a cluster of inner-tubes, legs hooked together to keep from floating off from one another, talking or napping. 

Clark joined his former teammates for one more game, proper tackle football this time, before they all dived into the lake to wash off the dirt and sweat.  Clark, aware that he did not sweat, was grateful that he’d already established amongst his classmates that he was in prime physical shape so the fact that he didn’t perspire didn’t raise any eyebrows.  Catching sight of the three girls floating not fair off, Clark smiled mischievously when he noticed all three had their eyes closed.  Quietly he rounded up two of his buddies and pointed toward the trio of slumbering ladies and they swam toward them with stealth.

Directing Trey Myers over to Lana and Blake Boles behind Lois, Clark took up position behind Chloe and placed his hands gently on either side of the rubber floater.  Meeting the eyes of his cohorts, Clark yelled, “Now!”, startling all three girls awake as the boys flipped their tubes over, sending them screaming into the water.  Clark and the other two laughed as Chloe, Lana and Lois all came up cursing a blue streak.  Clark raised his eyebrows at some of Lana’s colorful language until he heard a snarl to his left.  He turned and caught sight of Chloe.  If she’d had a piece of Kryptonite, Clark was sure she would have buried it somewhere painful. 

Shooting Chloe a playful grin, Clark dove beneath the water’s surface and swam for shore.  He crawled up the shore, shaking the water from his hair.  He stood to his full height and turned to see Lana and Lois attacking Trey and Blake.  He didn’t see Chloe and felt a stab of worry about her whereabouts.  Suddenly, a tiny body launched itself at Clark, arms wrapping around his shoulders and legs tangling with his own.  With a cry of surprise, Clark allowed himself to fall to the ground. 

“We wrestling now?” Clark asked with a laugh as the two of them struggled.

“Yes!  And you are going down for the count!” Chloe crowed as she straddled his stomach, trying to imprison his wrists in her grip.  Clark let her get his hands close to her bare middle before opening his palms and curling his fingers around her sides.  Chloe stilled.  She regarded Clark with a guarded gaze.

“Do you give up?” Clark asked.

Chloe’s eyes widened and she immediately began to escape, her actions hampered by her laughter.

“Do you give up?” Clark asked louder.

“Never!” Chloe exclaimed. 

“You asked for it!”  Clark tightened his hold and began tickling Chloe, causing her to squeal.  Rolling around in the sand of the lake shore, Clark and Chloe ended up on their sides when Clark felt something tug at the drawstring of his shorts.  He looked down and saw Chloe had a hold of one of the strings.  He looked quickly back up at her.  She had her own cunning grin. 

“You wouldn’t,” Clark whispered.

“Wouldn’t I?” Chloe replied with an innocent stare.

“You don’t have the guts.”

Chloe lifted an eyebrow and pulled slightly, loosening his shorts.

“Okay!  Okay!  You do have the guts,” Clark growled playfully.  He removed his hands from Chloe’s waist and rolled over onto his back, looking up at the sky.

“Victory is sweet,” Chloe remarked triumphantly as she, too, rolled onto her back, lying next to him.  “Never bluff a professional bluffer, Clark.”

Clark smiled.  Chloe sat up and Clark watched as she discreetly adjusted her yellow bikini top.  She ran her hands back and checked the tie, feeling it was loose.

“Here,” Clark said, sitting up behind her.  “I’ll get it.”

“Thanks,” Chloe replied.

Clark took the little strings in his big fingers and pulled them free.

“Clark,” Chloe said in warning.

“I’m retying it,” Clark reassured her. 

“You just keep those fingers back there gentlemanly,” Chloe told him, winking over her shoulder.

Clark smiled and retied the knot slowly, his fingers brushing her skin frequently.  It was soft and warm and scratchy with sand.  His fingers tingled on contact and Clark wanted to pull her back to sit against him so he could feel every line of her back with his own skin.

“Hey, Clark, this isn’t France, ya know, so stop stripping my baby cousin in public.”

Clark jerked his head up and saw Lois standing over them with a twinkle in her eye.  Clark grasped the strings and pulled, finishing his bow.  Clearing his throat, he stood and wiped the sand from the back of his trunks.

“You’d know all about France, wouldn’t you, Lois?” He asked bitingly.

“A girl’s gotta breathe once and awhile,” Lois said with an unabashed wink and Chloe burst out laughing behind Clark. 

Chloe stood, too.  “Come on, children.  They are setting up for the bonfire and I need to get a prime location for marshmallow roasting.”

Lois and Clark followed behind Chloe, sticking their tongues out at each other as they meandered around the big pile of wood being constructed in an open space.  Clark snagged the blanket Chloe had stored in the bag and spread it out.  He, Chloe, Lois and Lana all crowded onto the blanket, facing the large piece of cloth that had been set up for a movie showing.  The night darkened around them as the bonfire began to blaze and people talked in hushes under the playing of Grease. 

Chloe sat next to Clark, munching on a S’more and shivering slightly.  Clark jumped up and jogged to the truck, grabbing an old flannel shirt that had been left in the cab for weeks.  Returning, he sat back down and offered the shirt to Chloe.  She smiled gratefully, popping the rest of the snack into her mouth as she took the shirt and slid her arms into it.  Wrapping it around herself she cuddled into it.  Clark wrapped an arm around Chloe, pulling her into his side and into his warmth.  She burrowed in, laying her head on his shoulder.  Soon, Chloe was softly snoring. 

The movie ended and everyone began dispersing.  Chloe was still sound asleep.

“I think Sleeping Beauty is going to need a kiss from Prince Charming if we want her to wake up,” Lana said softly with a chuckle.

Chloe opened one eye, awakening from the movement around her.  She yawned as she sat up and stretched.  “More like Prince Charming needs to bring Sleeping Beauty a large double espresso white chocolate mocha drip with extra whip.  Aw man, did I miss the movie?” Chloe asked sadly.

“You were out before Danny and Sandy could even have those “Ooooh, summer nights”,” Lois told her with a laugh.

The four quickly gathered up their stuff and began saying goodbye to their classmates.  There lots of hugs and handshakes and a few tears.  Lois wished lots of luck to the few people she knew and even promised to keep in touch with the new friends she’d made as the day went on.  Making their way slowly to their cars, Clark, Chloe, Lois and Lana waved and chatted between themselves.

Lois and Lana branched off and got into Lois’ “borrowed” SUV from her father’s base camp while Clark and Chloe got back into his truck.  Chloe settled back against the seat, giving a happy sigh.  Clark glanced over at her.  She looked adorable in her short denim cut-offs and his shirt flapping open, revealing her bright colored suit top.  Her hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and had begun to dry, the errant wisps curling around her face.

“It’s kinda sad this was last lake party we had,” Chloe said, leaning her arm out the window.

“We can still come out here, Chlo,” Clark told her.  “Any time you want.  We can even invite Lois.”

“Clark, I would like a relaxing day at the lake not a pro bono baby-sitting case,” Chloe quipped.  She laid her head back and looked at Clark.  “Thanks for today, Clark.”

Clark met her eyes in the moonlight filling the cab as it rumbled toward town.  “For what?”

“For not letting me give up,” Chloe said.  She chuckled and curled her knees up to her chest.  “I did have fun.  And I realized that I was scared of water over a stupid movie.”

“That part was all Lois,” Clark pointed out.

“Yeah, but you were the one ‘who got my feet wet’.  I may have discovered my inner mermaid after all,” Chloe said with a grin.

“As long as you don’t decide to go live in some underwater kingdom then I am happy for you.”

“Nah, Clark.  I could never do 20,000 leagues under the sea.  I prefer the topside with computers and coffee,” Chloe replied.  “Looks like you’re stuck with me for a while.”

“Sounds good to me,” Clark said.  He reached over and squeezed Chloe’s hand, continuing to hold it as it lay between them on the bench seat.

The rest of the drive passed in silence.  Clark pulled the truck up in front of the dark Talon, shutting it off.  He and Chloe got out and made their way inside and up the stairs.  Chloe opened the door and took the bag and chair, placing them right inside the door.

“Have you heard from your dad?  How does he like the new job?” Clark asked, leaning against the doorframe.  Gabe Sullivan had gotten a new job in Chicago and had moved the week after graduation.  With Chloe going to MetU, she’d been living with Lana since then.  Now Lois would be her new roommate with Lana leaving for Paris until Chloe got into the dorms at MetU.

“He likes it.  Got a crummy little apartment that he has already started calling his “Bachelor Pad” so he’s enjoying himself,” Chloe answered.  There was a strange little silence that stretched between them as Clark hovered in the doorway.  Chloe laid a hand on the door, tucking some strands of hair behind her ear.  “Well, I would invite you in for a coffee nightcap but I got to get ready for Lois and Lana.”

“Oh,” Clark said awkwardly.  “I didn’t know you were doing anything.  It’s kinda late.”

“It was short notice,” Chloe told him.  “Since its Lana’s last night me and Lois are throwing her a Bon Voyage Slumber Party.  Basically just karaoke in our P.J.’s and big ice cream sundaes with lots of whipped cream.”

“And that is not something I am invited to?” Clark said with feigned hurt.

Chloe scrunched her face as if she was thinking and then her forehead smoothed.  “Nope.  This is strictly girls only.”

“I think you are discriminating against the male sex.”

“You know, men have their “Men Only” clubs, we can have our “Girls Only” slumber parties.”

“You girls have fun,” Clark said with a wave as he turned away.

“Hey, Clark, we never set up a time for your Ferris Wheel ride,” Chloe called out.  Clark turned back to her with a sheepish expression.  Chloe gave him a smirk.  “Like I am going to forget that.  Paybacks are hell, Farmboy.”

“How about next month when we celebrate you being a full-fledge co-ed?” Clark asked hopefully.

Chloe shook her head.  “I was thinking more along the lines of Friday.”

Clark swallowed.  “You mean, in three days?”

“At least you are getting three days instead of three hours,” Chloe replied.  “Think of it this way,” she said, taking a few steps toward him.  “You have three days to psyche yourself up for the ride of your life.”

“That doesn’t really help, Chloe.”

Chloe smiled.  “Kinda regretting making me water ski, aren’t ya?”

“No,” Clark said quickly.  “Just regretting not having a lawyer present during that “deal” we made.”

Chloe laughed and then turned to go back into the apartment.  “And all negotiations have closed,” Chloe teased.

Clark shook his head as he started back toward the stairs.

“Oh!  Clark, your shirt.”

“Don’t worry-“ Clark turned and Chloe brushed against him.  Clark reached out and took her upper arms with his hands.  Chloe looked up at him, her eyes shining in the soft light.  Clark could hear her pulse rushing in his ears.  He looked down at her, attraction firing along his nerves.  He ran his hands down to frame her bare waist in his hands as he swooped down and kissed her.  Chloe kissed him back, placing her hands on Clark’s neck.  Clark wrapped his arms around her, his hands sliding around her back, enjoying the way her mouth tasted of chocolate and marshmallows.  They kissed tenderly, nothing more than a meeting of lips, but it was enough to make Clark yearn for more. 

When their lips fell away from each other, Clark and Chloe stared at one another, realizing that the kiss had been building between them for some time. 

“Goodnight, Chloe.”  Clark pulled his hands from Chloe slowly, relishing the feel of her soft skin beneath his palms until it fell away.

“Goodnight, Clark.”

Clark made his way down the stairs, turning to wave and finding Chloe standing on the landing, her hands tucked in the back pockets of her shorts watching him.  She waved back with a small smile. 

Leaving the Talon, Clark got into the truck and headed home, a big grin stretching across his face.  Kissing Chloe had felt so right and so good.  Friday now seemed days away.  Clark was excited.  He couldn't wait to kiss Chloe again and he had a feeling a kiss on top of a Ferris Wheel was just the thing to cure his phobia.

~ ~ ~

Friday sort of snuck up on Clark and Chloe.  While the kiss they shared was never far from either of their minds, the week had been filled with business to be taken care of.  Chloe was helping Lois move from the cramped little room she was assigned on base when she’d moved out from the Kents’ a second time and Clark was helping out around the farm getting ready for the fall harvest.  They’d seen each other every day but they had never been alone.  It was as if they had a secret they couldn’t share with the world yet but still had to be close.  Clark found new excuses to touch Chloe; taking boxes from her hands and letting his fingers linger on hers or reaching around her for something and letting his body brush up against hers.  Chloe smiled and laughed more, allowing herself to gaze at Clark without worry of being caught and having to explain it away.  It seemed the transition from friends to more was happening seamlessly, without a word needing to be spoken between them.

Even with this knowledge, however, Chloe and Clark knew Friday was not a date but a friend outing formed from an exchange between the two of them.  It was a gray area leaving both of them feeling befuddled as each got ready to meet at the Talon before leaving for the Carnival.

“He kissed you.  It’s a date.”

“Lois,” Chloe said as she pulled on a turquoise tank top on.  She fluffed her hair after settling the wide straps on her shoulders.  “Sure, we kissed, but this was made before said kiss which means that it still retains its “friends” label.”

“If Clark shows up at that door with a flannel shirt on and it’s tucked in, this is a date,” Lois said from her perch on the cabinet. 

Chloe clasped a thick leather belt with multi-colored accents around her hips.  “He’s going to show up in a red or blue t-shirt because it is not a date.”

“Wanna bet?” Lois asked with a leer.

Chloe looked at her cousin in the mirror.  “You sure you wanna lose another ten bucks?”

Lois rolled her eyes.  “Smallville is the most annoying guy on the planet!  Just when you think he’s not going to do something, he goes and does it!”

Chloe chuckled.  Lois and Lana had arrived ten minutes after Clark had left Monday night.  Mid-way through their iced coffees, Chloe had let it slip. 

“Clark kissed you?” Lana asked excitedly.  “Before we got here?”

Chloe smiled shyly, feeling like a 9th grader again.

“Oh my gosh, Chloe!” Lana squealed as she twirled on the stool.  She then turned to Lois and held out her hand.  “You owe me.”

“I can’t believe he did this!” Lois exclaimed, digging into her purse and slapping a ten dollar bill into Lana’s open palm.

“Did you two bet Clark would kiss me?” Chloe asked flabbergasted.

Lana nodded with a grin.  “I bet Lois ten dollars that Clark would kiss you before tonight was up.  You two were throwing off so many sparks today I knew it was only a matter of time before the fuse got lit.”

“And I was sure Smallville would turn out to be a dud,” Lois grumbled.

“Well, you know what I always say, Lois,” Chloe said to Lois from the mirror.  “Never bet against Clark Kent.”

There was a knock on the door.

“And I bet that is my financial downfall now.” Lois hopped of the counter and crossed to the door.  Throwing it open, she stepped back and crowed. “Ha!  I so win!  You owe me ten smackaroos, Chloe.  Cash, only.”  Lois, leaving the door open, turned toward Chloe with her hand out, palm up.  “Pay up.”

Chloe rolled her eyes at her cousin.  “Go rob somebody else’s piggy bank because you’ve already sucked mine dry,” Chloe finished weakly when she saw Clark step through the door. 

Lois came and stood by Chloe, turning to face Clark.  She leaned over to Chloe and whispered, “Told ya it was a date.”

“Hey, Chloe.  You ready to go?” Clark asked with a nervous smile.

Chloe stared at Clark.  He was in his nice blue jeans, the ones that were not worn out in the butt or on the knees.  He wore a light colored blue tee with a freshly pressed red checkered button up shirt over it.  Tucked in.  The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows causing Chloe to cock an eyebrow at him. 

“You going to the Brawny Man convention after the carnival, Clark?” She teased him.  She grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder, meeting Clark at the door.

“Okay,” Lois said as she followed behind them.  Chloe turned to give her cousin a stern warning stare but was completely caught off guard but her uncharacteristically bright smile.  “You two have fun.”

Clark stared at Lois, too, like she’d just grown another head.  “Thanks, Lois.”

“Have her home by dawn, Lover Boy,” Lois said.

“There it is,” Clark muttered, turning and walking out the door.

“Thanks for that, Lois,” Chloe hissed as she followed Clark.

“Bring me back some cotton candy!  And a pretzel!” Lois shouted before she closed the door.

Chloe descended the stairs, seeing Clark standing at the bottom, arms crossed.  She shook her head, recognizing his pouting stance.  He caught sight of her and turned to face her as she arrived at the bottom step.

“Hi,” he greeted softly, his eyes caressing her face.

“Hi,” she replied with a tiny smile.

Clark reached out and took her hand, leading Chloe out of the Talon doors.

~ ~ ~

The summer evening was cooling slowly, the humidity in the air being heightened by the throng of people milling around the tight confines of the carnival.  The air was filled with smells of fried foods, screams of delight and the low roar of general machinery.  Clark and Chloe meandered around, Clark’s eyes straying every once and a while to the tall Ferris Wheel that sat dead center of the 6 acre carnival.  He looked over to his side at Chloe who was taking in the surroundings.  They’d been walking in circles, getting closer and closer to the Ferris Wheel.  Looking to prolong the inevitable as long as he could, Clark veered over to another booth offering a chance to win a number of choices from stuffed animals to gold fish in bowls to pretty little jewelry trinkets.

About to step up to the counter, Chloe flung an arm across his chest.  “Clark, put your man card away.  Most people here know you won the state football championship this season so there is no need to prove your athletic ability.”

“No, I just thought that maybe you would like-“

“Clark, you win me any more pastel bunnies or stuffed tigers or mood rings I’ll be able to start my own gift shop!” Chloe exclaimed.  She reached up and smoothed the side of his collar down.  “Not that I am complaining.”

Clark grinned at her.  “You wanna go ride the carousel?”

Chloe bit her lip.  “Not that the idea of riding a polished pony up and down a stationary pole is completely without merit but you know what I want.”


“Clark, we’ve been walking around this carnival for three hours.  They close in 45 minutes.  It’s time to face the mechanical music.”

“Isn’t there like some kind of Ferris Wheel for beginners?” Clark whined.

“There is, but you miss the height requirement by some additional four feet,” Chloe answered, pulling him toward the imposing structure.

“I could squat,” Clark suggested.

“And what are you going to do with your shoulders, Clark?  Suck in?”  Chloe circled behind Clark and began pushing him.

The closer Clark got, the more he thought about just speeding out of there and back to the truck.  The only thing stopping him was if he did that he knew Chloe would never let him hear the end of it.  It was a strange feeling, this need to impress Chloe.  Clark steeled his nerves and tried to stand a little straighter.  He looked up.  It was so high.  Clark was sure he was going to be sick.

The line was very short, about 5 pairs waiting to ride the colossal vertical merry-go-round that could hold 20 pairs.  Chloe and Clark brought up the rear.

“No way is it natural for people to be so high in the air without anything between them and the ground,” Clark muttered as he continued to stare up.

“You know, I remember someone claiming to fly almost a year ago,” Chloe said absently.

Clark looked down at her.  “Chloe, that wasn’t me.  That was Kal.  Jor-El had stripped all my human insecurities away.”

“So channel your bad boy alter-ego and up, up and away you go,” Chloe offered with a shrug.

“It’s not that the simple,” Clark said quietly.

“What are you really afraid of, Clark?” Chloe asked.  She leaned against him, her chin resting on his arm looking up.  “Is the height or the fact that you can’t control it?”

Clark met Chloe’s eyes and then looked back at the Ferris Wheel.  He remembered the fear that came with each new ability; the fear he would not be able to control himself.  The possibility of flight was the worst one yet.  If his feet ever left the ground, how could he be sure they would come back down?  He did like to gravitate toward things he could control because for the longest time he felt he had none.  It had always been one of the things stopping him from admitting his growing feelings for Chloe, why they had and continued to scare him.  He hadn’t been able to control them.

The wheel stuttered to a stop and the riders disembarked.  Two by two, like animals entering the Ark, the couples were seated in the red, blue and yellow buckets.  Suddenly, it was Clark and Chloe’s turn.

“Step right up here, little lady,” the operator said, handing Chloe into the seat.  He turned to Clark.

Clark felt his stomach drop to his boots.  He couldn’t make his feet move; they were rooted to the stop as if they’d been there since the beginning of time.

“Clark?” Chloe asked.

“You ridin’ or not, son?”

Clark’s heart began to pound and he felt sweat break out along his back. 

“Clark, it’s okay.  You can do this.”

“Now come on, young man.  You don’t want to break this purty lady’s heart by not riding with her.”

“Hey, Frank!  What’s with the hold up?” A voice from above yelled down.

“We got a ponder.  Just hold your horses!”

“Sorry,” Chloe apologized softly as she stepped out of the bucket.  “Just one sec.”

“You take your time, sweet pea.  If anyone can talk him into something, it’d be you,” the operator cooed.

Chloe arrived in front of Clark, taking his hands in hers.  “Clark, look at me.”

Clark tore his eyes from the top apex and looked down.  Chloe was surprised to see the whites of his eyes. 

“You can do this, Clark.  There is nothing to be scared of,” she told him softly.

“Little lady, I’m sorry to inter-“

“No, it’s no problem.  Go ahead and start it.  We’ll be back in a bit.”

Chloe took Clark’s hand and led him to a bench close by.  Sitting down, she pulled Clark to sit beside her.

“Clark, if you’re that scared, we don’t have to do this.”

Clark shook his head.  “No.  You conquered your fear, I can conquer mine.  We had a deal.”

“Clark, the only reason I was able to get in that water or get up on those skis was because I knew you would be there to catch me if I fell.  And when I did fall, you were right there,” Chloe said, scooting closer to him and wrapping both hands around his wrist.  “Now, I don’t have your abilities so I couldn’t catch you if you fell, but I’ll be right beside you the whole time.  You don’t have to go through this alone.  You don’t have go through anything alone anymore.”

Clark met Chloe’s eyes.

“You do so many amazing things, Clark.  So many things that would scare me to death.  Riding this Ferris Wheel?  That’s going to be a piece of cake.  All we’re going to do is walk up those steps, sit in the bucket and ride it around.  That’s all,” Chloe told him.

“Chloe, you don’t ride in buckets.  You hold water in buckets,” Clark said shakily.  “And I weigh a little more than water.”

Chloe giggled.  “Clark, you gotta loosen up a little.  You can’t control everything.”

Clark and Chloe sat and talked until the ride stopped again.  Everything around them was shutting down.  Chloe looked at the many booths closing up and stood.

“I guess we better get going before they throw us out,” Chloe said.

Clark looked over to his right.  Frank, the Ferris Wheel Operator, was preparing to shut down the gigantic ride.  “Hold on,” he said before jogging over.  He and Frank talked for a few seconds before Clark turned and beckoned to Chloe.  Chloe walked over to him.

“Frank is going to let us ride,” Clark said, his voice a little nervous.

“Thank you, but I don’t want you to get in any trouble,” Chloe said to Frank.

“No trouble at all,” Frank said.  He swept his hat from his head, revealing iron colored hair matching the age lines around his eyes and mouth.  “I own the carnival.”

Clark and Chloe’s jaws dropped. 

“You’re probably wondering why I run the Ferris Wheel, aren’t you?  Seems like such a menial job for the owner.”

“Well, no offense, but yes.  I mean, I am sure you have more important things to do,” Chloe replied. 

“My son does all that.  I am content to just tend this Ferris Wheel.”  Frank looked up at the bucket at the very top.  “I met my wife on this Ferris Wheel. She wanted to ride but didn’t have a partner so I told her to come back right before closing time.  I got one of my buddies to run it while I rode with her.  We were just about your age.”

Frank stepped up and released the safety bar on the parked bucket.  “So, now, anytime a young couple wants to ride the Ferris Wheel, no matter how close it is to closing, I let ‘em.  You never know, maybe that will be the night they tell their grandkids about.”

“How long has your wife been gone?” Clark asked, his voice catching.

Frank smiled at Clark.  “Eleven years next month.”

“Thank you, Frank,” Chloe said with a grateful smile.

Chloe stepped up on the platform again.  She turned and held out her hand to Clark.  With a deep breath, Clark took her hand in his own and stepped up behind her.  Without releasing hands, Clark and Chloe sat back in the bucket and waited as Frank secured the safety bar.  Returning to his post, he flipped a switch and pulled a lever, the ride groaning to life. 

Clark gripped the bar and Chloe’s hand as they began to ascend backwards.  Clark took deep breaths, choosing to concentrate on not crushing Chloe’s hand and the sound of her steady heartbeat.  It soothed his nerves to know she was so calm.  With a smooth hiss, the wheel stopped turning.

“What is that?” Clark asked frantically.

“Clark, open your eyes.”


“Your eyes are closed.  Open your eyes.”
Clark hadn’t even been aware of screwing them shut.  He opened one. 


Chloe squeezed his hand.  “Open your eyes and look at me, then.”

Clark turned and slowly opened his eyes, Chloe’s pretty face filling his vision.  Behind her head, he could the see whole carnival laid out but he concentrated on her eyes.

“Why are we stopped?”

“Because every bucket stops at the top.  It’s why people ride the Ferris Wheel.  To see the view,” Chloe told him, looking out over the land surrounding them.  “It’s beautiful, Clark.  The twinkle lights are so tiny from up here they look like fairy dust.  And I can see the skyline of Metropolis.”

Clark looked over to his left.  The moon was full and it shone down, illuminating the landscape below them. 

“It’s so peaceful up here,” Chloe continued.  “There’s no noise.”

Clark allowed his ears to open.  Chloe was right.  Normally, when Clark didn’t consciously tune all the filler out he was constantly assaulted by meaningless noise.  So high up, there was nothing but silence.

Letting go of her hand, Clark wrapped his arm around Chloe’s shoulder, pulling her closer.

“I can see why Frank and his wife fell in love up here if they had the view we had,” Clark murmured.

Chloe laid her head against Clark’s shoulder.  “How long do you think he is going to leave us up here?” Chloe asked.

Clark looked down.  He saw Frank a little ways away, looking down at something he held in hands; a picture it seemed.  “I think he knows how long to leave people up here.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes. 

“Chloe, what was Lois blabbering about when I came to get you?”

Chloe picked up her head from his chest.  “Lois?  Oh, nothing.”

“Something about this being a date?”

Chloe pulled her head back to look at him.  “Were you eavesdropping, Clark Kent?”

Clark had the grace to look embarrassed.  “Maybe a little.”

“Well,” Chloe replied.  “Was Lois right?  Was this a date?”

Clark looked back at Chloe.  “Do you want it to be a date?”

Chloe turned her head and looked off into the distance.  “I don’t know, Clark.  You and me, we’ve never had any luck with the traditional relationship stuff.”  She turned her face back to Clark.  “But I like where we’re headed.”

“So do I,” Clark responded. 

“You gonna kiss me now?” Chloe asked bluntly.

Clark laughed.  “I thought you’d never ask.”

Chloe grasped Clark’s shirt and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his insistently.  Clark kept one arm around Chloe’s shoulders, the other one sliding around her neck and into her hair.  The kiss lasted for several moments, but to Clark and Chloe it felt like only a second.  When they pulled away, both took labored breaths as Clark rested his forehead against Chloe’s. 

“So, what are we gonna do about this date dilemma?” Chloe asked after she’d lost the starry eyed gaze.

Clark still had a goofy grin on his face.  “I think I have the answer to our problem.”

“And what would that be?”

“We really have no reason to worry about a first date,” Clark replied. 

Chloe furrowed her eyebrows.  “We don’t?”

“No.  We’ve already been on one.”

Chloe sat back and eyed Clark.  “We have?”

Clark nodded.  “The Journalism Convention Freshmen year.”

“So, this could be our second date?”

“No, this is technically our fourth.”

Chloe grinned, leaning forward and propping her elbows on Clark’s thigh, resting her chin in her hands.  “Where do the other two come from?”

Clark held up one finger.  “The Spring Formal.  Because up until I ran out, it was going pretty good.”

“Okay, we can count that.  Although, I have to say, Clark, running out on one date to save another girl is poor form,” Chloe informed him seriously but her eyes twinkled.

“I agree.  And I will try schedule all my saves around my time with you.”

“Except for when you’re saving me,” Chloe said with a giggle.  “And the third?  When was this phantom date?”

“The barbecue.”

“Oh,” Chloe nodded astutely.  “And just what qualifies all these as dates?”

Clark took her face in his hands and gazed into her eyes.  “They were all times when I wanted to kiss you.”

“I wish you had,” Chloe said quietly.

“I wish I had, too,” Clark replied.  “But I’ll kiss you whenever you want me to, Chloe.  Just say the word.”

“Now,” Chloe stated.

“Now?” Clark replied with a grin.

Chloe nodded.  “We have some ground to cover if this is our fourth date.”

Clark leaned down and met Chloe’s lips, cherishing the way her mouth seemed to fit against his.  The Ferris Wheel began to turn again, but neither one noticed as they lost themselves in making up for missed chances.

The bucket swung gently, telling Clark and Chloe their ride was over.  They pulled apart once more and departed, their arms around each other. 

“Thank you, Frank,” Chloe said as they passed him.

“No problem.  Did you accomplish what you came to accomplish?” 

The couple stopped and looked at each other.  Nodding, Clark said to Frank, “We did.  In more ways than one.”

Walking slowly away, Frank watched as the two leaned into each other.  He smiled happily as warmth spread over his heart.

“Dad,” a voice said beside him.  “Have you been giving after hour rides again?”

Frank looked over at his son as he came to stand beside him.  “It’s my carnival; I can do what I want.”

His son laughed, catching sight of the young couple walking out of the park.  “You work your magic again?”

Frank watched as the couple stopped and turned, the boy leaning down to kiss the girl passionately again, like he couldn’t get enough of her.  Frank’s eyes moistened.  “Nah.  The summer season had already done most of the work.  I just gave them a little ride.”